Chapter 15

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"Dude, I can't believe you didn't fix the AC, before heading for the desert." Scott complains, fanning his ugly face with a tourist brochure. I look at him with a bedazzle look. He's been complaining about the same thing over and over again. I clench my teeth and squeeze the storing wheel.
"Well, then I suppose you'd like to walk, Scott." I suggest. He looks at me, sweat pouring down his face like a waterfall. He grunts.
"Just drive fast." Scott mutters and I suddenly feel irritated. I speed up and look at him.
"I would drive fast, if we actually knew where we're headed. That old lady's only specification was that Argent was last seen on this desert. And we are lost,Scott. And it's all your fault!" I snap at him. He stops fanning himself and looks at me. He's confused for my unusual behavior. I keep my eyes on the endless landscape.
"Stiles, you do realize that they were about to blow their freaking brains out, right...what was I supposed to do?" He asks. I glare at him for a moment and remain silent.
"Stiles, calm down." Malia says softly, whispering from the back seat. She grips my shoulder and I just fix my eyes on the road. She's right and Scott is too. What was he supposed to do? I need to balance this shadow thingy. It's just as if someone is constantly whispering. It's almost like instinct. It tells you things. It give you reasons to hate someone when really they haven't done something wrong. A fear starts to grow inside my chest. I don't what it to become part of me. Not again, not again. I just feel as if I've been angry for so long, and sometimes what it whispers are undeniable truths. And that's what worries day, Im Going to start believing the lies. The weird thing knows me more than anyone else. I hold a grudge for everyone, just because this thing tells me. I try to ignore it and place my concentration on the road ahead. After about forty five minutes, we find a cave. I press the brakes. It's the first thing we've seen in miles. Scott was asleep and gets startled. Malia looks out the window. She sniffs the air, so does Scott.
"The cave is too deep, I can't smell nor hear anything." Malia explains, I look at Scott. He opens the door and steps onto the sand. He looks around and starts walking towards the cave. I tap his shoulder, he turns back and asks me what.
"Are you sure it's safe?" I ask him. He rolls his eyes and then puts his both palms on my shoulders, looking at me directly in the eyes
"I can't let Hayden nor Liam die, Stiles. We need to check this place, and we need to do it fast. This desert is a big desert and Argent is not at all stupid. It'll be difficult, I'm not getting your hopes up, but we need to try. Five minutes later, Lydia's car packs just right next to mine. She steps out of the car and breathes the hot, humid air in. After that Hayden and Liam exit the vehicle. Kira is last, she goes to hug and kiss Scott.They're looking hopeful. For now. I smile at them
Good thing, Malia convinced 'creepy wrinkles' to give Hayden and Liam back, so that they would collaborate in the search.mthey still have their implants though, which really does worries me.
My brain, projects an image of them two lying lifeless on te floor, I brush it away and breath in deep. If they're gone, what will we tell their parents? Their loved ones? Well. Who cares about that, it's not like they're much help anyway. Their better off dying, they slow us down, in addition their bodies would never be-. Whoah, that needs to stop. I'm thinking too much, and too bad. Malia seems to be doing fine it's her shadow, she seems under controlled. I'm I doing something wrong? I don't know, but I hope I won't find out.
Malia grabs my hand tightly while throwing me a smirk, and Scott is the first to enter the landform. When Malia and I do, I notice it's enormous. We call for Argent time after time, after time, after time. However no one responds. We get deeper onto the cave. It has stalactites over us and it has this brownish color on its walls. There are a lot of rocks and little puddles on the floor. I'm careful not to trip. Water drips down from the stalactites.the werewolves try to sniff something but no one catches anything
We reach a really narrow pathway that is located above a super high canyon. I can't even see the where the fall ends. So creepy.That is a plummet of death. Scott goes through It first, extending his arms for balance because when I say narrow, I mean really narrow. Malia and I are last from the other side of the passage after everyone has gone carefully through it. I signal Malia to go first. She agrees and tiptoes with no difficulties to the other side . I'm next. I've never liked heights. I'm walking carefully, on the soles of my feet and I'm so close when I hear a crack! My whole body trembles and a shiver goes through my spine. Malia's eyes widen and she looks at me,terrified. The whole structure collapses.
AN: wassup.

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