Still, he felt great as he walked home, knowing he'd have to be as quiet as possible if he wanted to not get caught.
He actually wanted to be with me. He thought as he got to his front porch, and he wore a grin. He actually didn't mind that I got close.

Before he could get his key, the light by the door turned on, and he saw Ishizu standing in the window.


Ishizu left the window and opened the door. Needless to say, she was not happy.

"Hey sis."

"In the kitchen. Now."


Have you ever screwed up something so bad that you want to curl up in a ball and die?
You feel like you cannot show your face to anyone again, because you screwed up so bad.

Not even Melvin's cape could make him feel better.

He just shut the bathroom door of his apartment and turned off the lights, huddling into the bathtub and only letting the dim glow of the eye on his forehead give off any illumination.

Tears had streaked on his face, but his eyes were wide open. Melvin didn't wipe his tears away. He just let them fall. He rested his chin on his knees, and he held himself. His jaw was clenched shut.

I am disgusting. He thought, sending another tear to trickle and hang on his nose. I am without a doubt, utterly revolting.

The worst thing was that it has always been this way. Flirting, screwing around, and screwing in general was just his way of getting the thought out of his head.

But he knew.

He always knew he was gross.


"Thirty minutes is all you get." Ishizu crossed her arms. "Take what's yours and get out."

"You're kidding me! Just because I missed curfew?" Melvin's head began to spin. "I haven't hurt anyone!"

"But you can't prove that." She stood up straight, trying desperately to quiet Melvin down so that she could keep Marik asleep and in his room. "This is not the first time you've skipped curfew, and it is definitely not the first time you've disobeyed any of the rules for living in this house!"

"Well, where the hell am I supposed to go?!"

"We've checked your room. I don't know how you've gotten it, but you have enough to rent out an apartment or something." Ishizu did the talking, but Odion was beside her in case Melvin would lash out.

Melvin was infuriated, mostly to hide the fact that he felt completely helpless. "I know nothing about rentals or anything! I couldn't just sleep in it tonight, anyway!"

"You should've thought about that while you were out doing Ra knows what." Then she pointed to his room. "Pack, or I'm calling the police, like I should have before. We want nothing to do with you."

"This is ridiculous!"

"Thirty minutes, or prison."

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