23: In Between Them

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The drive wasn't too long, but with Marik's constant accusations at Bakura made it feel like forever. The most amusing part, thought, was when Bakura actually just drove Marik home and kicked him out of the car.

Melvin closed the door to Bakura's apartment, which was cleaner than he imagined it would be. Heck, everything was neater than he thought.

"Come with me." Bakura said, with a purr in his voice.
Melvin raised a brow, and Bakura added, "Your keys and shit are in my room."

So he followed him in.

This room definitely contrasted with the rest of the apartment. The sheets were on the floor, the pillows didn't have cases, and the blinds on the windows looked bent and crooked. Clothes were all over the floor, along with several cans and wrappers.

"So where're my--?" Melvin turned around to see the keys in Bakura's hand.

"Come get them."
Bakura put them between his teeth.

It's been too long and temptation seemed to be yanking at his hair. Melvin approached him and firmly held his sides, inching closer to Bakura's lips.
With his teeth, he bit the edge of his keys and yanked them back.

Putting them in his pocket, he asked, "And my phone?"

"You're not even tempted to fool around with me for a while?"

Melvin held out his hand. "Phone."

"Ra, Melvin, are you still moping about the party? I was drunk. I don't mean anything when I'm drunk."

He moved closer to him, only to have Melvin move further away.
"I'm not fucking around, Bakura."

Bakura furrowed his brows. "What's gotten into you?"

"Just give me my stuff."

"This isn't about Marik, is it?"

Melvin avoided the question. "I want my phone! Just give me my--"

"Bloody--!" He grabbed Melvin's arms and held him in place. "Just calm down!"

"Why? You scared I might kill you too?"

From mere shock of the statement his grip loosened and Melvin broke from his grasp, but his voice didn't lower in the slightest.

"It's when feelings get involved you back out. Nice to know I can put my full trust in people who don't give a shit about me."

"It is about Marik!" Bakura would've laughed if Melvin hadn't half-threatened. "You actually care about that?"

By this point Melvin huffed and crossed his arms, not yelling anymore. "I care about being abandoned when I needed you."

"I didn't think you had the ability to care."

"I don't care."

"You do. You basically said that you did."

There it was again; his legs felt like jelly and he didn't know what to think anymore. Melvin sat on the edge of the bed, letting it creak as he did. He also sunk into the bed, feeling that it was surprisingly very fluffy.

"All my life, my own family told me I was worthless." Then he tilted his head, letting his neck crack. "Now you too. I should've fucking known."

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