chapter twenty-five

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I stop dead in my tracks as I see the eyes of a demon with a smirk on their face.

"Dallas. . . .Dallas!" I scream as I begin running towards him. Sam and Dean run after the demon as Dallas drops onto his knees with a pained expression placed onto his face.

"Har - Harley," He stutters out barely above a whisper.

"No, stay with me, Dallas, please," I threw my arms under his arms to keep him from falling completely. Sayge grabbed him and helped me get him into Bobby's house. As we barged in, Bobby jumped up from his perch at the desk.

He helped move Dallas onto the couch where he took a wheezy, uneven breath. I begin to shake my head vigoursly as I run my fingers through his sweaty hair.

"Dallas, please stay with me. I need you," I look into his blue eyes. He looks back into my hazel-green eyes as they began to fill up with tears. He gives me a weak smile as a small cough escapes his lungs. He shakily brings his hand up to cup my cheek to bring me down to his face.

He pulled me down to his lips leaving a soft, gentle kiss there. I pull back with a smile as a sob escapes my lips.

"Har - Harley, you're the grea - greatest thing that has hap - happened to m - me," He struggles to get it out with each passing second. He arches his back softly as he lets out a groan. "I'm so - so cold."

"Don't die. Please, please, don't die." I place my hand to carress his cheek. I rub the pad of my thumb against his cheek softly. He leans into the touch with a smile on his face.

"I'll die - die loving yo - you. Tha- That makes me hap -happy." He closes his eyes for a second and struggles to get them back open. I suddenly hear running in but it doesn't make me tear my eyes from his soon lifeless eyes.

He had a small smile on his face as I snuggle into his hand that was on my cheek. I close my eyes softly as I do this gesture only for it to feel like he was slipping from my cheek. I open my eyes back up to see his eyes were closed and his chest was no longer rising and falling. My breath begins to come uneven as I sit up straighter.

"Dallas? Dallas!" I scream only feeling arms go around my waist and begin pulling me away. "No, Dallas! No!"

I was full out sobbing by now as this person began pulling me outside. I was trying to fight against this person's grasp but I couldn't do it. I couldn't fight back. He shuts the door and I look up to see it was Sam only making me throwing myself into his chest and just scream. I scream as I grip his jacket.

* * * * *

Dean covers his mouth as he listens to his daughter screaming on the other side of the door. He hated to see her so upset. He hated that he couldn't do anything to make sure Dallas wasn't dead. He hated that he couldn't make his daughter better.

"We've gotta get him out of here, Bobby. Before she comes back in here," Dean looks to the man he thought of as a father. Bobby looks back to Dean as they hear Harley screaming about Dallas.

"I lost him like I lost mom and Ben! I lost him and I won't get him back!"

"It was just like Sammy, Bobby. Being stabbed in the back that is."

"But Sam was stabbed by one of those "special" kids, Dean. Not a demon that was after him. That idjit wouldn't let me tag along with him to help on the case. He didn't give me a lot of information but the parts he did give me I knew exactly what was going on. I know about that demon that killed his family. Son of a bitch has been hunting down Dallas since he got away ten or eleven years ago. He was only six or seven, Dean."

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