chapter twenty

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"Sayge has told me a lot about your brother, um, Dan?"

"Dean." Sam quickly corrects before I could interrupt the conversation. We were at Sayge's dad's house. Sam was doing the "boyfriend meet the parents or parent" thing in a relationship. Sadly, he wouldn't let me stay behind at Bobby's. Not after days of just staying down in the panic room not talking to anybody.

I refused to burn Dean. I know it was the proper way for a hunter to die but I wasn't having it. I couldn't let me father burn.

"Dean, yes. Along with his daughter, um - "

" - Harley." I spoke quietly not taking my eyes off the ground. I stayed close to Sam not leaving his side. We've already been here a good hour and I still hadn't moved. We tried to maneuver around the topic of Dean but her dad brought it up and Sam was so nervous that he couldn't maneuver around it.

"Where is he? I'll have to meet him one day. Makes me a little curious why his daughter would go with her uncle to meet his girlfriend's father."

"We - We, uh, lost him recently." Sam loses eye contact with the older man in front of him. His facial expression didn't change. Not to a apologetic look. Nothing. It was pissing me off a bit but the other half wasn't looking for pity either.

"It was just recently, dad. I didn't think to mention it. Sam's been trying to help Harley with it." Sayge quickly explains why her father didn't know such a thing. I look up at him to see what his facial expression might be now. Still nothing.

"What happened?"

"Hunting accident." Sam says in hopes of closing the conversation. He knew I was up for talking about this. He knew I didn't want it mentioned unless it absolutely had to be.

"Did the animal get to him first?" It seemed like he wasn't trying to mean it in a bad way but my emotional self thought differently. I walked away from the three of them. I made my way outside ignoring Sam calling my name. Not only did that bother me but my throat also felt tight and it was hard to breathe.

I had an idea of what to do and that's when I reached in the Impala and grabbed fifty dollars from the stash in the glove compartment.


"Harley, wait." Sam got up from his perch across from his girlfriend's father. He made his way outside only to see that she wasn't out here anymore. He began to freak out with shaky breaths.

"Harley?!" he looked around the front yard and the Impala. He looked everywhere outside before pulling his phone from his pocket. He thought to call Bobby. They weren't that far from Sioux Falls.

"Bobby, you and Dallas keep a look out for Harls, okay? No, Bobby, I didn't loose her; she ran off. Sayge's dad said something and she ran out of the house but she's not outside. I have a feeling she went to a bus station we passed. There is fifty dollars missing out of the Impala." He slams the glove compartment shut with a mental groan shaking through his body. After hearing Bobby's words, he ends the call and rushes back inside. He needed to get to Sioux Falls before she did.

"Is she out there?" Sayge looks up at him with a worrisome look written across her expressions. She felt something was up with his frantic movements as he grabbed his jacket.

"No, and I'm going back to Sioux Falls. I have a feeling she took a bus. There's fifty missing from the Impala." he begins to walk away only for her to grab his hand. He looks back down at her with that frantic, scared Sam look. The look he'd get it something were wrong with his brother.

Harlyn Winchester // supernatural Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon