Not an update, read if you want.

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Hey guys, I just wanted to let y'all know that I'm really sorry I haven't been updating like I said I was going to. I would have updated awhile ago but recently a very close friend of mine moved out of state and it caused my depression and anxiety to skyrocket. I can't even look up from a book, computer or phone without breaking down. I truly love you guys, and hopefully when my anxiety and depression gets a little better, I'll be able to update. The only reason I'm not updating/writing is because I want to be into the writing, not just feel like I have to.

I usually say A.KF , L.Y.F and Y.A.N.A at the end of each chapter but I don't want to say those things to you guys, even though it's true, if I myself can't even say it to myself without crying. I hope you guys understand.

I'm really sorry and I hope you all have something to read in the meantime. Hopefully my depression and anxiety with get at least a little better very soon. I love you all, I'll still read your comments, be there for you if you need to talk or even if you just want to say hi.

My Email doesn't work for some reason on wattpad so if you'd like to privately talk to me or have any questions about the story, my Instagram DM's are always open. My Instagram is the same as my Wattpad user name, CastielDeanImpala67 .

I love you guys a lot, I know I keep saying it but it's true. Even though I'm having a hard time doing so, please A.K.F, Please know that Y.A.N.A and pleased always L.Y.F. ~goodnight/good morning, Faith.💕

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