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|Ann|•mother•    (Ann's POV is back wooo!)

   I look around at the people surrounding the table with me. It's a scary yet weird feeling to have your memory wiped away from you. My children all looked unfamiliar yet familiar at once. The confusion couldn't fully wrap around my head and I wondered if it will always be this way.

  The doctor said the memory loss was permanent and that I'd have to build new memories. I wanted my old memories. I remember bits and pieces but they are all vague. I eat silently, as my children watch me happily. I couldn't help but ask many questions of how this happened?  I don't understand why I have this big thick scar across my neck. What or who did this to me?

"Is the food good?" I look up to see Gabriel looking at me.

"Yes, it is." I say, nodding at him.

I smile. He looks down at his food contently. I look over at Kate beside me. She looks up at me and grins.

   "Mommy, you act different." She says.

I look at her for a few moments more. I see Adam clear his throat.

"Kate, we chose to think about now not the past." He says.

She nods quickly.

"Oh yeah." She says.

I look at them all. How was I different? What kind of mother was I?

    "What was I like?" I ask.

They all look up from their plates.

"Well you was hardworking." Gabriel said.

"Was I? What did I do for a living?" I ask.

That striked interest in me. I liked to work.

"You worked as a lawyer." Adam says. I look at him in shock.

    "All those years in school for nothing!" I exclaim.

I try to think hard but I couldnt find any recollection of any case or even what courses I took in school.

    "What else was I like?" I ask.

"You was very independent and mostly straight-forward." Adam says, in thought.

"Was I married?" I ask.

They all grow silent.

"You were married twice." Gabriel says. I couldn't believe it. Twice?

   "What happened?" I ask, curiously.

"Your first husband was mine, Gabe's, and Jane's father. He died. And your second husband was Kate's father." Adam says.

"My daddy was cruel." Kate says.

I look down at her.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

Did he hurt me and my children? Was I stuck in those abusive relationships like in those books? Did he do this?

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