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|Daughter| • Jane

They found me. At first I felt like I was hallucinating but the police were really here. I run to them quickly as my ankles were getting cut up by the sharp thorns.

"Are you Jane?" They asked.

I nod. They scan me. I knew I looked pretty bad and by the looks on their faces they wanted me at the hospital soon.

"We need to get you some medical help." They say.

I follow them out the woods which took nearly 15 minutes. I was closer than I thought.

"Is he going to hurt me?" I asked, while I was in the ambulance.

They scanned my wounds.

"Who?" They asked.

A police rode along with me.

"Sean." I whisper like he was near.

"Jane. He's dead." The police says.

I stare at him with shock. My mouth gaped open in surprise.

"How?" I ask.

I felt like someone knocked the wind out my chest. Sean was gone. I'd no longer have to worry about him finding me and doing what he done for those years.

"Let's focus on getting you back in healthy state for now." He replies.

They lay me down and apply an oxygen mask but I still couldn't breathe. I couldn't believe Sean was gone out of my life. For good. Forever.

I really don't remember anything after that. I open my eyes and I'm in a hospital room. The nurse was setting something up beside me.

"This is going to hurt." The nurse says.

Her voice was deep and unfriendly.

"What is that?!" I exclaim.

"It's a shot for your ankle." She says.

"Okay hold still." She says.

I clench my teeth. The shot had to be six inches long. She grabs an alcohol wipe and rubs it in my ankle. I look away as she raises the shot.

As the shot comes closer, I hear the door open. I look over to see Gabe. I totally forget about the shot.

"Gabe?" I say.

He smiles.

"Glad to see you're okay." He says.

He comes over to me.

"Wheres the others?" I ask.

"Adam is with his girlfriend." He glares at that.

I wonder why.

"Kate is with them." He adds.

I nod in understanding.

"Why didn't they come with you?" I ask.

"Jane, they need some time. A lot has happened." He says.

I nod slowly.

"Okay, your shot is done." The nurse says.

The nurse leaves.

"I'm sorry for running off." I whisper.

The lack of emotion left him unconvinced.

"Its fine, Jane." He says.

"Well, look I'm glad your back and okay. I'll come back later to see you. I have some things to deal with..." He says, backing away.

He looks at my ankle in disgusts.

"Get that ankle better. Dang that looks bad." He says.

I nod.

"Bye Jane." He says and shuts the door behind him, leaving me alone.

I look around my surroundings. I take in every detail of each section of the room. I don't know how long time passed, or when I fell asleep but I felt someone shaking me gently.

My eyes open to an older man.

"I'm glad you woke Jane." He says. I look at him strange.

"Its time for your medicine." He says.

I'm guessing he was the doctor then.

"It won't take long." The nurse from earlier said.

"Why couldn't I have a nice nurse?" I blurt.

He looks at me weird.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I don't like how that nurse acts." I say.

I don't know why I was angry. He shakes his head.

"She's the best one around." He says, shaking his head.

I look at him emotionless.

"Well then you must have some pretty crappy nurses then." I say.

He goes back to getting the medicine in order.

"Look, you have to take the blue pill every four hours, and the white pill every six hours." He explains.

He gives me four pills. Two blue. Two white. I take them with a glass of water. He stares at me deeply which makes me uncomfortable.

"Jane. I'm surprised you haven't asked about your mother." He says.

I shrug.

"What about her? She's dead, isn't she? Am I going to jail once I get out of here? Since its my fault." I ramble.

He shakes his head.

"Jane your mother isn't dead. She's in a coma. And of course not. You aren't going to jail!" He says.

"A coma?" I ask. My stomach began to churn.

"Yes. But, she nearly died." He says.

I look down at my hands.

"Oh." I say.

He looks at me strange again.

"Well Jane that medicine is going to sedate you in a few moments so sleep well." He says and makes his way to the door.

I could feel the heaviness behind my eyes spread. I tried to fight it but it was no use. The darkness swallowed me whole.

Jane Where stories live. Discover now