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|Gabe| •son•

As soon as we got back to the apartment, Jane wasn't anywhere to be seen and Adam was watching the television.

"Where is Jane?" I ask.

He looks at me for a split second.

"In her bedroom." He says, as his eyes return back to the television screen.

I walk down the hallway and into where Jane was supposedly at. I knock lightly on the door which was slightly creaked. I walk in and see Jane writing.

"Hey." I say, as she looks up at me.

"Oh hey." She says.

She closes the notebook lightly and puts it beside her.

"How did it go?" I ask.

"I don't know." She says.

"Was he mad?" I ask.

"I don't know." she says again.

"Okay, well if you need anyone to talk to, then I'm here." I say.

I walk out after she nods and run into Andrea.

"Is she okay? I know Adam tends to be very angry lately. He probably upset her." She whispers.

I shrug.

"She didn't really say much." I say.

Andrea frowns.

"We surely aren't helping her." She says.

I shrug once more.

"Some people can't be helped." I say, as I walk passed her and take a seat beside Adam.

He stares at the TV with concentration.

"Can you stop staring at me, Gabriel." Adam snaps.

I look away in surprise.

"Sorry." I reply.

He sighs. "The hospital called." He says.

I look over at him.

"And they said...?" I ask.

  "They said that we should get mom tomorrow." He says.

I smile.

"Really? They are releasing her!" I say.

He nods.

"I hate to see how she will act when she sees you-know-who." he says.

I frown. "Can't you ever be positive?" I say, in frustration.

He looks at me.

"Okay Gabriel. I am tired of you acting this way. We all know this all is Jane's fault." He snaps.

I stand to my feet and walk away.

I wasn't going to talk bad about my sister. She has been way too much and we shouldn't blame her. Kate runs up to me with a bright smile. Her hair was braided down her back.

"Notice anything different, Gabe?" She asks, smiling widely.

I act dumb. "Did you get a new dress?" I ask.

"Noooope." She says, bursting with excitement.

"Hmmm...what is it?" I ask, faking confusion.

"Jane braided my hair. Isn't it pretty!" She exclaims.

I smile widely.

"Of course, it's very pretty Kate." I say, patting her head.

I hear a door shut softly and see Jane walk out.

"I am going for a walk." She says, barely looking up.

"Do you need my cellphone? Just in case?" I ask.

She shakes her head.

"No, I'll be fine." She mumbles.

Her hand turns the door knob and she looks for a few brief seconds and smiles at me. I smile back.

"Be back soon." I reply.

"I will Gabriel." She says.

  The door shuts behind her and I can't help but wonder where she was headed. This was a different city than our neighbourhood and I couldn't imagine what she would want to do. She didn't know anyone. I couldn't help but to worry about my sister.

I put my shoes on and toss my phone in my pocket.

"I'll be back later." I say.

Andrea looks at me suspiciously.

"Go find her. It's getting dark. Nobody walks in the streets at dark." She says.

"I know. That's exactly what I am going to do." I reply.

I leave the apartment and look around.

I didn't know which way Jane had went and I had to pick the most reasonable way possible. I decided to go to the park because that seemed the most accurate. I walk quickly and the automatic street lights turn on. It was getting dark. The sun was already setting low and the light was leaving and the dark was replacing it quicker than ever. I look through the park but couldn't see Jane anywhere. I look around and then a voice from behind me startles me.

"I knew it." It says.

I turn around to see Jane's face.

"Oh hey...Jane.." I say, awkwardly.

I click off the flashlight and relax my shoulders.

"Gabriel why are you following me?" She asks.

I open my mouth to speak but no words come out.

"I...well..." I say.

"Do you really think I was going to go far?" She asks. 

I shake my head.

"No I just don't think you should be in the city at dark." I say.

She smirks.

"I am old enough." She says.

I rub my eyes. I was too tired to argue.

"Okay, well I'm gonna head back. Be back soon, okay?" I say.

She nods. "Okay." She says.

I walk off away from her wondering if I decided the right choice.

My mom was going to be released tomorrow, and I didn't want anything to ruin that.

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