
31 9 16

|Jane| •daughter•

I follow Gabriel and Adam up the long hall of stairs into the hospital that I had previously stayed in. I could feel my sweaty hands and my tensed jaw. Today was the day that mother would be released and come to live in the small apartment.

A nurse greets us with a polite smile.

"Hey, we are setting her up in the wheelchair now." She says.

I take a deep inhale. Gabriel turns towards me and gives me a nervous smile.

"It's gonna be okay." He whispers.

Adam gives me an emotionless glance.

  I see the door swing open and a wheel chair reveals itself. I watch as I see my mother sit with a wide smile.

"Hey Adam!" She says, as he leans down to hug her.

"Gabriel!!" she says, and then he leans down as well.

   She looks over me with a small smile.

"You must be Jane. My other daughter, right?" she asks.

I nod quickly. My throat was dry and no words would come out.

"Aw come here." she says, as she reaches for my hand.

My heart pounds in my ears.

Was this some sick joke? was she playing this way in front of the hospital staff?

  "You're very pretty. You must be very quiet?" She says, smiling at me.

I didn't know how to react. "Yes I am." I whisper.

She looks back at Adam and Gabriel who both are looking as confused as I felt.

"Isn't she adorable?" She asks them.

Gabriel smiles first and nods.

"Shes always been very quiet.." Gabe says.

Adam looks in shock.

"Do you remember her at all?" Adam asks.

I bite my lip as my mother turns to look at me.

   "I remember those eyes." She says, her voice now serious.

I could feel a lump in my throat. Is her memory coming back? I swallow a feeling of fear down my throat and throw my arms around her desperately.

    "Mother." I shriek. 

I wanted her to like me. I wanted that feeling of motherly caring for once. I hold her tightly. Tears welled in my eyes and I began to cry. She looks shocked but pats my back.

"It's okay, Jane. We are going to regain whatever family friendship we had." She says.

   I just cry harder, as I take in her familiar scent. It was like this was my mother on the outside but in the inside she was replaced somehow.

   I back away slowly and she looks at me with a sympathetic smile.

"It's going to be okay now." She promises.

I wipe my tears away.

"Lets get you home." Adam says.

He pushes her in the wheelchair silently. Gabe gives me a look but I don't know what it is supposed to mean.

  We walk in the apartment and I see Andrea and Kate scream together,

"Welcome Home!" My mother laughs and smiles.

"Come here Kate, baby!" She says.

Kate hugs her tightly

. "Aw I have missed you." She says.

Kate giggles. Andrea walks over and smiles widely.

"It's good seeing you Ms. Ann." She says.

My mother smiles

. "It's good seeing you too. What was your name again? I am sorry." She says.

"Andrea." She says, nodding in understanding.

   "So when can I get out of this wheelchair?" She asks.

Adam looks over at her.

"Anytime you think you can walk. I know it has to be hard when you're used to being bedridden." He says.

She laughs.

"I think I can do it." She says.

She tries to get to her feet but ends up plopping down again. 

"Maybe in a day or so." she says.

   "You will be sleeping with Kate, til we find you a bed." Gabe says.

She nods. "It's fine." she assures.

"So before whatever happened to me, we lived in a neighbourhood?" She asks.

Adam nods. "Yes. Upstairs and everything." He says.

"I may remember it, if I seen it." She says.

He shrugs. "Maybe so, mom." He says.

   I watch as she lifts her head to look at the ceiling. A thick lined scar is revealed across her neck. I swallow some guilt. I can't help but think of what Adam had told me. He blamed me. It is my fault. She is being so nice, it's like she's a totally different person.

  I knew I must stay hesitant though. Stay out of the way and be quiet and distant. I didn't want to get my hopes up. Even if the doctor did say it is permanent memoryloss at the hospital earlier today, it could happen.

   I look around the room for Gabe and Kate but they both were nowhere to be seen. I see Adam and Andrea talking to mother but no Gabe or Kate.

   I walk down the hall to find the room where me and Kate sleep and the door was creaked open. I walk towards it and hear muffled voices.

   "Now I want you to leave everything in the past behind, okay? Don't mention anything about Sean or Jane or anything." Gabe says.

"Okay, Gabe. I won't. " Kate says, enthusiastically.

"You better keep that promise." He says.

"Pinkie promise!" She shrieks.

"Okay. Pinkie promise." He says.

   He walks out and sees me.

"Oh hey, Jane. Did the food arrive?" He asks.

I recalled hearing a knock.

"I think it did." I say.

He looks at me weirdly and then goes towarss the kitchen.

"Food!!!" Kate screams.

   I walk into the kitchen behind hyper Kate. I see what we are eating tonight. It was spaghetti and garlic bread. Mother's favorite.

"This is my favorite!" She says, as if she read my mind.

I sit down at the table along with everyone and see everyone's smiling faces.

  But I knew that eventually this would all wear off and somewhere deep inside is her memories and her hatred for me and I was just waiting for it to come back and ruin me.


a/n: once again, another filler chapter in a way. I have been waiting for Ann to come back and add more drama! I hope you enjoyed and please vote and comment if you did. I really appreciate it!!

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