
38 19 12

|Mother| • Ann

I get Kate out of the bath, and she runs into her room. Her wet hair flying in the air, and her cheerful giggles echoing down the hall. Adam and Gabe's room was closed and so was Jane's. Jane.

I brush all the worries out of my head. Think about Kate. I walk inside Kate's bedroom, and Kate jumps on the bed.

"Goodnight mommy." She whispers to me.

I smile. "Goodnight Kate." I reply.

I tuck her in, and hand her the teddy bear with a shiny pink bow she's had since she was a newborn to her. She hugs it tightly and closes her eyes. I plug in her night light which was a big bright yellow star and turn the light off.

"Goodnight Darling." I whisper, and I shut the door, leaving only a creak.

I walk down the hall to my room and turn my TV on. I was watching mysteries because that was my favorite. I look over at my bed side table, avoiding the picture but instead putting my contacts in my little box.

I turn on my side, and close my eyes. I was exhausted. Today was stressful enough. I finally drift off to a soundless sleep.

I wake up the following morning and do my daily morning routine quicker than ever. Jane would be up soon, she's always the first.

Jane. Jane. Jane.

I wish she'd get out of my head and my life. She isn't my daughter. She's a monster. She took everything.

I walk down the stairs and grab a smoothie and grab my purse and walk out to my car. I was so tired of doing the same thing everyday, but what else was there to do? I've never even tried to take a day off not only because I have a case to work on but I didn't want to see Jane. I push her image out of my mind quickly as I park my car in my usual parking spot at work. I get out and head for the lobby.

Evie comes to my side with a smile that reminded me when I first met her at 18.

"Is Jane fine?" Evie asks, as we walk inside the elevator.

I groan in my head.

"Yes." I say, with a smile clenching my jaw.

"That's good." She says. "Scotty was wondering if Kate maybe could stay over for a night?" Evie asks.

She's trying to take Kate away.

I shake my head quickly.

"Oh no!" I exclaim.

She looks at me with a side way glance.

"I mean, Kate is busy with school right now and ballet. I'm sorry, maybe another time." I say, containing my anger.

She nods as if she understood.

"Ok...then." She says, and looks to the floor.

As we make our way to our offices, I wave silently and shut my door to my office. I sit down and this my hands to my face. My headaches were too the extreme lately. I stand up and decided to take the day off. Jane's at school anyway. I'll have time in peace. I leave my job and drive a little ways down to a little restaurant.

I walk inside and there was only one customer.

"Are you looking for a job?" A man asks, at the counter.

I shake my head.

"No, I'm a lawyer." I say, as our eyes meet.

My heart stops immediately.

"Sean." I whisper.

He grins with an evil smirk. "You thought you could run away, didn't you? Like I couldn't fucking find you, Ann?" He asks, as he grabs my wrist.

"No. Let me go Sean. Why are you here?!" I whisper.

He smiles as our faces are inches close.

"How's Jane?" He asks.

Jane. Jane. Jane. Jane.

"She's f-fine, what concern is she to you?" I snap.

He laughs dryly.

"Does she miss me?" He asks.

I glare at him.

"Hell no." I spit.

He laughs louder. "You fucking liar. You know you all miss me." He says, as he lets go of my wrist. I jerk away, backing slowly.

"You may know what city I'm in but you don't know where I live!" I scream.

He smiles. "SunnyShades." He whispers.

I look up at him in horror.

"I'm sorry ma'am but we are going to have to ask you to leave." A woman says, touching my arm. I look over at her with a glare.

"I was just leaving anyway." I say, trying to control my breathing and fast heart pulse.

She smiles sadly. "You're causing a distraction to the customers." She says.

"I apologize." I say, as I walk towards the door.

She nods and walks over to Sean and kisses him. I felt like I was going to puke.

"You sick bastard." I whisper.

I return to my car and drive off quickly. I was shaking horribly. I pull into my driveway, and run to my front door.

He could be anywhere.

I lock my front door with shaky hands and heavy breathing.

He's back. How did he find me?

I pace the living room floor, not knowing whether to move or stay and tell the police.

They wouldn't do anything. He will just find me again and again.

Tears stream down my face.

"How did he find me?" I ask the walls.

"How?!?" I scream.

I needed my medicine. I walk to the kitchen and reach the top counter. I shakily grab two pills out of my container and get a glass of water. I toss the pills down my throat and swallow with the glass of water.

Around thirty minutes later, I felt relaxed. I sit on the couch, and open a book. I read till around 1pm and then I hear the doorbell. I open the door to find a basket of flowers.

I look around but there wasn't nobody. I grab them and lock the door and set them on the coffee table in the living room.

It had a piece of paper hanging from the basket. I'm back, love. I'm not leaving. Ever. -Sean

I scream and throw the flowers across the room and they slide down the wall. I fall to the floor, and wrap myself in a ball. He's back and he's not leaving.

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