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|Daughter| • Jane
short filler chapter sorry in advance

As I run into the woods, thorn bushes scraped my ankles. I could feel it ripping my skin to pieces. The ache in my lungs felt suffocating, I could barely breathe. I couldn't stop running. Sean would be on my trail soon. I couldn't face any more reminders or memories of what he had done to me in the past. I couldn't face anyone. I wanted to be alone.

   I pushed myself to run harder, which made my lungs ache even more to the extent it felt like I had set them on fire. I deserved this pain though, it was nothing compared to my mother's throat being slit because my choice of running. I knew it had happened by now. Sean never lies. He sticks to his decisions. My mother may hate me but I shouldn't have let her die.

    I swallow the guilt and expect to be eventually ate my a wild animal. I knew Karma was going to get me anyway. I know if I do make it out of these neverending woods, Adam, Gabe, or Kate will never want to see my face again. I'll be the most hated human around, more than I am now.

   I stop running and look around. My vision was getting blurry and I no longer knew where to run. It felt like I was going in circles. I chose to go left, and began to walk slowly. My breathing was heavy and my heart was ringing in my ears. My knees were shaky and I wanted to collapse.

    I didn't know how long I had been running but it had to be at least a couple hours. The sun was low. Blood was dripping down my ankles and seeping in my sneakers and white socks. I clench my teeth, wincing at the pain. I hear a low rumble in the sky and sigh. It couldn't be thunder. I then notice a helicopter.

   I knew they wouldn't be able to see me in between these trees, plus they weren't looking for me. I've only been missing for a couple hours. It fades away as I begin to get a overwhelming feeling of dizziness.

    I fall to the ground. I close my eyes, and curl into a ball. I could no longer see. My mind goes in and out of consciousness till I am completely blacked out.

I wake up to the bright light of sunshine shining through the trees. I rub my eyes slowly and look at my surroundings. I think back about yesterday. I could barely remember anything of yesterday. I just had a deep feeling of guilt. I then remembered. Mother. I get to my feet and notice my ankles had now stopped bleeding and a thick layers of dry blood was there.

    I had mud covering my hair and arms. My head was shooting pain and I knew I needed to find somewhere as soon as possible. I continue to walk, very slowly. I didn't want to over work myself. I look around but everything looked the same. It was frustrating. I blink a couple times.  A wave of exhaustion hits me. I walk for what seems hours until I spot a house.

    The house appeared old and dangerous and I didn't want to approach it. Someone lived there very clearly though, and that was enough for me to cry out for help. I knock the door lightly and seconds later the door opens. An old lady opens the door and looks at me with one eye. "Who are you?" She snaps. I could see she was angry.

    "I'm lost." I whisper.

She analyzes me and noticed my bloody ankles first. Her pupil dilates.

"And?" She asks.

"I need help...now." I say, awkwardly.

The old lady glances at me. She then begins laughing. I knew Karma would get me.

"Do you have a phone?" I ask.

"Down in these trees?" She replies, obviously amused.

I look down at my bloody ankles.

   "I'll just keep going. Can you just point to the direction where the city is?" I ask.

"Right on straight." She replies.

I nod and walk away. The door slams loudly and creeks. I begin to walk quickly towards that direction. I didn't know whether I could trust her or not but I was desperate at this moment.

  I needed to get help. My ankles would soon be infected, and my knees were sore to the point I felt I could no longer walk. I continue on my way, where? I don't even know.

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