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|Daughter| •Jane

I locked my door with shaky hands. I would've been badly bruised if Adam wouldn't have walked through that door. I sink to the floor, placing the notebook beside me.

I put my face in my hands. I didn't understand what I did for my mother to hate me so much. Its always been like this ever since I could remember. I hear a knock, and my blood freezes. I don't make any movement or sound.

"Its just me." I hear my brother Gabe say.

I open the door slowly. I look up to see Gabe and he walks in.

"Are you okay?" He asks, as he looks at my face.

I nod. "I guess so." I say, as I stand up.

"What did you do?" He asks.

"She was going to take my notebook again." I say.

He nods. "She isn't looking through my notebook. She'd really hurt me then. She wouldn't even understand." I explain.

He nods once more.

"You know how she gets mad so easily." Gabe says.

"Yeah, I know but it isn't right still." I say.

"Get some rest, it's nearly ten." Gabe says.

I nod, and he smiles as he leaves.

I change into some pajamas, and pull the covers to my chin. I close my eyes, and all I can see is the recurring nightmares of my mother and my father and also my step father. I turn on my side, as tears fall on my cheeks.

I hear a knock as I open my eyes. It was midnight. I open my door, to see my mother. My eyes widen and I back away slowly.

"I'm going out for a while, I want you to get Kate ready for school tomorrow." She whispers.

I nod and back away more, and eventually trip over my skates. She leans against the door frame, watching me with amusement. Failure. I could hear her now spitting those words at me like poison.

She closes the door and I hear her walk down the stairs quietly. I sit up and rub the back of my head. It was sore from hitting the floor so hard.

I stand up, making my way to the mirror. I look at my reflection. My brown hair was straight and my hazel eyes looked dull.

"Failure." I whisper to myself.

I sigh and lay in bed. I close my eyes and drift away.

I wake up to the light shining through the curtains. I sit up, and rub my eyes. I could hear Kate running down the stairs. My feet touch the floor and I brush my hair quickly till it was clearly straight. I apply my thick- long lashes mascara, and a light tone of eyeliner.

I run down the stairs, and Kate looks over at me.

"Morning, Jane." I hear Gabe say.

I grin. "Morning." I say.

"Kate, let's get you dressed." I say.

She runs over to me. Her hair in knots and her sleepy little green eyes shine with happiness. We walk up to her room which is next to mine and I brush the knots out of her hair. I pick out her purple long sleeve and blue jeans to wear.

"Its going to be chilly." I tell her.

"Oh Jane, I just love cold weather."
She says, fighting back her excitement.

I laugh. "Me too." I agreed.

"Now lets go eat some muffins." I exclaim.

Her eyes widen. "Chocolate chip?" She asks. I nod.

I love my little sister, she's the most sweetest person I know. Kate runs down the stairs and I walk behind her. I grab two muffins and pass her a plate. She eats them quickly.

"I'm ready to see all my friends. Its been forever!" She says.

"Kate, it's been two days." I say. "Yes! Forever!" She whines.

I laugh. Adam walks in the kitchen and grabs a muffin out of my hand.

"Yummy, chocolate chip." He says, as he takes a bite.

I shove him. "That was mine." I grumble.

"Get your own." He says, shoving me gently back.

Kate dies laughing.

"Kate, are you ready for school?" Adam asks, as he picks her up.

She nods. Adam smiled with his perfectly straight teeth. His brown hair and brown eyes matched perfectly.

Kate giggles.

"Well, I'm heading to pick up Andrea. Me and her are going to look for houses. Just planning. Its not official." He says.

I nod. "I'll pick you up after school, okay?" He asks me.

I nod. "Fine." I say.

He smiles.

"Tell Andrea I said hey." I tell him.

He nods.

"Bye you guys." He says, and I hear the front door shut.

Gabe walks in, and grabs a drink. "I need to get there early. So hurry up." He says.

I nod as I walk upstairs and change into my hoodie and jeans. I walk back down and Gabe and Kate was at the door waiting. My mother left to work near 5. I walk out, holding Kate's hand. We only lived about ten minutes away from school, so we all walked in silence to the school we all dread except for Kate that is.

As we approach the school, we already dropped off Kate. I held in a long dramatic sigh that dared to come out. I hated this place. As we entered, Gabe looked over at me.

"If anyone gives you trouble, find me." He says.

I nod but me and him both knew I wouldn't. He would find out from someone else. He touches my arms and then leaves.

He was only a year older than me but acted so older. Not old as Adam does though. I'm so glad Andrea and Adam are still together. They've been together for nearly five years now. I wish I could fall in love but I knew that was never happening. I walk in, and turn to my first period class which was science when Natasha walked over to me.

"Hey loser." She says, smiling.

I wave. "Hi." I whisper.

"How was your weekend?" She asks.

I shrug. "You should go check your locker." She says, with a smirk.

I look at my feet. She shoves me against the wall and laughs.

"Bye loser." She spits.

I walk over to my locker and my mouth flies open at what I see. I fall to the floor in anger, knowing there was nothing I could do. People surrounded me, and laughed. I hold back tears as I try to tear the papers off with insults after insults. It was no use, there was too many so I sat there in defeat as there laughs echoed around me.

Jane Where stories live. Discover now