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I walk home from school with Gabe in front of me and Kate holding my hand.

"And there was sunshine and happiness alllll around." Kate said, retelling the story she heard at school.

"That's great Kate." I say, lost in thought somewhere else. I was far from sunshine and happiness.

"Yeah and the fairy sprinkled this glitter on her head and she then could fly!" She exclaims.

"That's really good Kate." I reply.

Gabe then stops and I run into the back of him.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask.

"Shh." He says.

"What is it?" I ask, a little louder. This better not be a joke. I sigh.

"Mother is going to be mad if we are late." I say.

"Quiet." he whispers.

I roll my eyes. Kate whimpers and digs deeper into my legs with her nails. I clench my jaw at the pain but don't tell her to stop.

Gabe never acted this way.

"I want you to grab Kate and run home as quick as you can." He whispers.

I nod. I pick up Kate and take off running. Before my very eyes, I saw someone run in front of me, as I crashed in their arms. Kate yelped out in pain and she clinged to me still. The person's arms were stern tightly around my body. Their scent was familiar and it installed fear into me. Sean.

"Get off me." I yell.

He doesn't say a word. I heard Gabe yelling cuss words under his breath nearby. Sean drags me towards a van, I began to kick with all my might and scream loudly. He covers my mouth with his hand and I bite it. I fall to the ground with Kate still tightly around me. I run down the street quickly and could literally see my house. Gabe was behind me, I could hear him saying go.

As I open the door, and it swings open I see my mother. She stands up with confusion. Gabe comes behind me and slams the door shut, locking it. We all were panting and tired. Kate finally let's go and runs to mother.

"What is all this?" She asks.

I couldn't breathe, much less talk.

"Sean." Gabe says, and that alone sent fear through me.

What I really wanted was to run to my room and scrub my body off from his scent that was wreaking on my clothing. I wanted to cry, scream but I stop their expressionless and breathless. My mother shown fear on her face and clenched Kate tightly to her body.

"Did he hurt you?" She asks Kate.

"No. He hurt Jane." She whimpers.

She acted like she didn't even notice.

"Okay. Gabe are you okay?" She asks.

He nods.

"Mom, what are we going to do?" He asks her.

"I don't know...someone contact Adam." She says.

Gabe nods and pulls his phone out. He calls Adam and tells him to come home immediately.

"Jane?" My mother asks.

She had a worried expression on her face, and I thought finally she wants to know if I'm okay.

"Go to your room." She states.

I nod and walk up the stairs. I shut my door behind me and go into the bathroom. I scrub my body from his scent. I collapse to the bottom of the shower and cry. Everything was resurfacing.

I get out the shower, and put my pajamas on. It was only 5 in the afternoon but I wanted to sleep, I was tired. I sit on my bed, trying to decide whether to resist the urge. I lift my mattress, making sure to not make a noise.

I grab my lighter and my pack of cigarettes that I got from some "friends" at school. I didn't want to do this, I knew how horrible the addiction is. I mean I've done it plenty of times but I was trying to quit. I hear a thud and hide the cigarettes behind my pillow and the lighter behind my back, I lay down acting as if I was asleep. I close my eyes.

I feel the bed dip down and confusion and fear collides all at once. I feel as someone lays on top of me and my eyes open. It was Sean. I was about to scream, but he covers my mouth. I still had the lighter behind my back.

"Don't make a sound." He whispers in my ear, his mouth on my neck.

Flashbacks begin to cross my mind. Blood rushes to my ears.

"Please don't." I whisper.

"I've missed you so much Jane." He says, with an evil grin.

He reveals his perfectly straight teeth.

"Don't say that. Get off me." I plea. I hold back tears.

This couldn't be happening again.

"Jane. You've missed me." He states.

His lips were too close. All I could feel was disgust.

"Please Sean, if you leave now I won't tell you even came." I plea.

He laughs.

"Say my name again." He whispers.

"You disgusting vile creature that's called a man." I say.

He laughs.

"Please go." I cry.

"No." He states.

Anger releases and I reveal the lighter behind my back and burn his face.

He yelps and gets off of me. He falls back on the floor and makes a loud bang.

"Get the fuck out of my room, you piece of shit." I spit.

He gets to his feet, holding his face.

"Failure." He snaps.

I stand there and watch as he climbs out the window like a moron. I should tell but I wouldn't. Who would care about Jane anyway? Nobody. Because I'm a failure. And also Jane. And nobody cares about Jane.

I fall to the floor, feeling disgusted with myself. I could feel his disgusting touch on my body and that made me want to puke. I hear Adam knock and asked what that sound was but I refused to open the door.

A few moments of silence he asks once more and I force my weak voice to say nothing. He left and I cried harder because nobody cares about Jane. Because Jane is just Jane. A failure.

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