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**Jeremy POV**
"I have no clue what to do." I say to Kirstie mom.

"Listen. Don't let her dad get to you. He doesn't like to see anyone happy." She says.

"Do you think he would really kill me or harm Kirstie or anyone around us?" I ask.

"Knowing him, he's all talk. Lately he's been pretty unpredictable. So I don't know." She says.

"Okay, Jeremy. I have a plan." Mitch says.

"Go through with your plan to propose and after only the guys will have a meeting to protect Kirstie. I know she will be putting it all over social media and the fans will be reposting it everywhere so he's going to find out. But if we have this meeting without her she won't know what her dad is planning." Mitch says.

"I really hope this works, Mitch." Kirstie's mom says.

"I hope this works too." I say.

Sorry short chapter! But more to come later tonight or sometime tomorrow! Enjoy!

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