Chapter 8 - Part 1: BET Awards

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Then me and Bahja took silly pictures looking cute. They boys took pictures together too. Then we all took a group picture looking happy as can be.

After what felt like years, we were directed off the carpet. Our cute little display seemed enough to satisfy the media. I felt relief until I realized we still had to get through the entire award show. The problem with the show is that you never know when the camera is showing you on the TV. That's gonna be a challenge. Beside the paparazzi was a section for fans to gather in hopes of catching a glimpse of their favorite celebrity. Ray instantly started making his way towards them but Harry stopped him by grasping his wrist.

"The show starts in 5. We got to get in there." Harry gave Ray a sympathetic look.

Everyone knows how much Ray loves his fans. Of course he would want to walk over there and greet them. I looked at Ray who clearly looked disappointed. He was about to open his mouth to say something when I acted out of impulse. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the fans. I wanted to greet them just as much as he did.

"Hey." I said to the general crowd that was screaming hysterically. I let go of Ray's wrist and let him do his own thing. We both signed things, posed for pictures, and hugged our fans over the metal barriers and I knew this was gonna be the best part of the night. I would stay out here for the entire show if I could but obviously that wasn't a choice. Some of our fans even wanted to meet Bahja and the guys.

Soon enough, Harry came to round us up. "Sorry guys. The show already started 5 minutes ago." Harry discussed the importance of us not being any later.

I felt Ray slip his hand into mine and we made our way into the venue. Here come the nerves... Once inside we had to walk by multiple celebrities. Curse them for seating us in the front. There were two empty seats beside Kenneth and Claire. Ray let me have the aisle seat, considering my award was up first. The rest of our friends sat behind us.

Ray leaned over to whisper something in my ear. "I hate award shows. They're so boring." I hated them too. They took way too long and during commercial breaks we just sit around... it's not as glamorous as it seems.

Ray played with my fingers, finding them a lot more interesting than Kelly Rowland announcing Best Female R&B Artist.

Kenneth leaned forward to tell us something. "Nique, the award you're nominated for is up next."

Claire grinned. "You're definitely gonna win it." I felt my heart drop to my butt and the urge to vomit came back to haunt me. I'm so nervous. I feel like a Chihuahua from how badly I'm shaking.

"Are you okay?" Ray asked once it was a commercial break, knowing it was the only time we knew for sure that the camera wasn't filming us.

"No." I replied honestly. "I'm freaking out... sorry if my hands sweating." I pulled my hand put of his grasp and rubbed it on the chair, trying to get rid of some of the sweat.

He chuckled and reconnected our hand. "Don't worry about it. It's your first award nomination." He reassured me. "I'm pretty sure you're gonna win."

"I'm not worried about losing." I frowned. "I'm worried about winning."

He laughed. "Care to explain?" "If I win, then I have to say something... there are so many amazing celebrities in here. It's a little intimidating!" I explained, getting a little frantic.

"You'll be fine." He paused. "Just look at me when you're up there." I turned my head to look at him full on and he seemed a little embarrassed of what he just let slip.

I smiled lightly at him. "Thanks. You're a good boyfriend." He laughed, shaking his head slightly.

The announcers voice boomed from The speakers. "Please welcome Beyonce to the stage." The audience cheered and I knew they were announcing my category.

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