
"I Can't believe you dragged me here" I said getting out of her car, I'm serious guy's Ari literally dress me and pulled me out my house.

"You're welcome," she said entering the dinner and you can hear the bell ping indicating that someone just enter which is us. We were looking for a seat when we heard our names being shout.

"Ally, Ari!!" It was Clair and she was waving us over, I was about to decline when Ari foot started to move, I could cripple her now for the fact that kai is at the freaking table, I shouldn't be tripping, lord I don't even know why I'm tripping. Okay, ally deep breaths.

"I didn't know you guys are coming here or I would have invited you to join us, in fact, I thought you guys wouldn't have wanted to come," Clair said with a big smile on her face.

Why because we are nerds and only know how to study actually I'm the nerd Ari is just Ari.

"Actually I had to drag ally out her house to come here" god I want to strangle my best friend now.

"Well join us"

"No thanks", "That's great" Ari and I said together then look at each other, Great? No this is far from great.

Ari took the seat next to Clair leaving the only seat available next to kai. Why do I think she did that on purpose? It official I'm going to kill my best friend 1 she drags me out my house and now she's making me sit next to Kai.

i think she is the reason i can't get him out of my head, she is always talking about him and when she sees him talking to Joey she gets mad and when she sees him alone she teases me about the cheek kiss. I think I might have told her 1 million time I don't like Kai. But do she care? NO.

"Well guys these are my friends, Ally and Ari" Clair announced looking at some strange guys and girls, I have never seen them the only two guys i recognize are kai and Clair brother Ian.

"Ari, Ally these are Sean, drake, Daniel, Heather and Haley" she introduces all of them and damn I wanted to hide under a rock for the fact that the guys and girls look like models from magazine these people certainly have some good genies.

Sean has dirty blond hair with blue eyes, drake and Daniel had brown hair with green and hazel eyes but Daniel looked like he was mixed with Chinese and Heather had long blond hair she kind of resemble Sean so I guess they are siblings while Haley had black hair like mines but shorter, it was at her neck and she had ocean blue eyes they were beautiful while I looked like a sack of potatoes. A set of hi's and hey's were exchange and everyone were talking except kai and I but I was observing things. Like how Haley was constantly stealing looks at Ian and Sean kept troubling Haley totally likes her.

I feel awkward here

"So Ally what do you like to do for fun," Haley asked. Hmm read a book, eat and sleep.

"Umm, I -"

"Wrong question, asks her what she doesn't like to do for fun I'm sure that list would be longer," kai said cutting me but I couldn't help but feel offended by what he said. What's his problem? I was about to answer Haley but got cut again.

"Well, Well what do we have here" Please don't be her, i turned to my side and Joey was there in all her glory.

"I must be dreaming because I know I'm not seeing bitchari and her peasant" People started looking at the table we were at. Just freaking perfect leave it to Joey to make a scene. Damn, don't she get tired throwing shades and tormenting me? She needs some damn hobbies. Everyone at the table was confused except Clair because she knew that Ari and Joey are not fond of each other and that I'm her target because I don't tell her anything.

"What do you want Joey?" Ari asked Glaring at her, and she glared right back then her eyes switch back to me.

"listen here I don't think I need to tell you stay the hell away from kai, so do yourself a favor and back the fuck off or I promise you, Nerd, you wouldn't like the result if you didn't" she whisper in my ears and my pores rise. Stay away from him what the hell do that mean, kai and I don't even talk Do she need to borrow my glasses, hasn't she had enough boys run through her.

"What did you say?" Joey was glaring at me now I looked at Ari and her eyes were wide shit please tell me I didn't say that out loud. She started laughing

"So the nerd have a fucking mouth after all" shit shit shit I'm screwed.

"I see the new kids have made you feel wanted, Well I got news for you, you weren't wanted from birth and you aren't now" she looked me directly in the eyes and I saw her hatred and her word hurt pretty bad because they might not seem to mean anything but trust me they have a huge meaning to them. Why did she hate me? Why? I've never done anything to her.

And she loves to see me in pain? It's like her drugs.

"Ally?" I heard Clair called my name I looked at her and felt something drip on my hands I looked down and saw my hands gripped together in a fist and tears drop were on them, I passed my hand on my cheeks and pretty much i was crying but I didn't even realized I was. What do you call these kinds of tears?

"You know your ass must be jealous of all that shit that come out of your mouth," Ari said angry evident in her voice

But I couldn't sit here and hear them go back and forth with each other I got up and ran out the dinner because one thing I don't like and it's crying in front of people, I don't like them seeing my pain because all they would do is take advantage. And Joey knew how to make me show pain, I can take her taunts and everything but when it comes to that I really feel unwanted because if they didn't want me who will and she knew that and she loves to use it against me. One time we got into a fight that was freshman year but she made me got in trouble when she was the one that was wrong but the stupid arghh lied and got off while I got cleaning duties so since then i never said anything to her again.

Someone pulled me back when I was in the parking lot, I thought it was Ari but to my surprise it was kai. What is he doing here? I wiped my eyes quickly trying to stop my tears. He is definitely someone I don't want to cry in front of.

"What do you want?" I snapped. Okay did I just snap at kai!

"I um are you okay"

"Why do you care," I said softer now.

"I...Just answer me" he sounds unease.

"Look just go call Ari for me I want to go home" I turned my back hoping he would just do what I said, but instead he turned me back to face him.

"Fine, I'll take you home"

"No, I want Ari to take me home"

"God why are you so stubborn"

"Stubborn kai really what do you want, 1 we aren't friends, 2 after the play you stop talking to me what did Joey tell you I have herpes or rabies? And now you want to come acting like we are friends, just leave me alone why don't everybody leave me the hell alone" I was angry now I wanted to just punch something or maybe someone like Joey.

"I'm sorry ally, I was- I had to sort some stuff out" I mentally scoff why am I having this conversation again? I stayed silent.

"Please let me take you somewhere" he walked to his car door and opened it.

He stood there looking at me intensely I don't know why but I walked and get into the car, call me stupid but I didn't want to be here in the first place so anywhere he's going to take me would be better than here.

Even if I do hate him at the moment.


I think guys are more moody than girls.

 What do you guys think?

I mean take Kai for an example.




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