People seem to think it's nice to hit me

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So the first real thing to happen related to Hypnos, was the attack on a orphanage in Manhattan. Odd right? Even weirder was that this was a one man job, done by the one and only, Loki. Yeah, I still havn't really figured that one out yet ether.

So to make this as clear as possible, I'm going to start from the beginning. The day before it happened, Al had gone back to the Shield head quarters on Fury's order. The day before she left, I locked us in my room and insisted on spending the day in bed cuddling and watching Netflix, even though she protested saying that we should do something useful. Like hell was I going to let her spend our last day together working.

So the next day consisted basically of me moping around in my room and avoiding everybody else here. I haven't really talked to anybody else than the one time with Stark, small talk with Bruce when I was hanging in the labs and the necessary words like good morning, hi can you pass me that? and so on. And really, nobody has made an effort to speak to me ether. It seam that we're on the same page on that matter, avoid each other until I'm gone and this is all over.

Even though Al told me just before she left to make an effort, I just can't bring myself to do it. And this is why I was so surprised that somebody knocked on my door that day, and dragged me out of my hole of self-pity.

A sharp knock comes from my door, and before I can even get up and open it, it cracks open and Natasha Romanoff pokes her head in. "We have a situation. Suit up and meet us at the quinjet" and then, just like that, she's gone. It takes my brain a moment to process what just happened, and when I finally do, I sprint over to my closet and get into my suit.

I've already made test runs with it after I put it together again and the screen before me lights up as soon as my head piece snaps shut. I walk out on the balcony and fly up to the top level where the quinjet is kept. I get in easily as the rooms one wall is already down to let the plane out.

My metal suit clanks heavily as I land, catching the attention of everybody in the room who is not already staring at me. And in this is the moment I realized that when Natasha said 'suit up' she probably meant that I should put on my fighting clothes. But on the on the other hand, these are my fighting clothes, just a bit more.. metallic than most peoples.

My silver blue suit is glinting in the afternoon air, making reflections of the sun dance around the silent room. Well, it's silent in one second more before I have two guns, a bow, a round hard American flag and two blasters pointed at me. Out of instinct I put my hands up, but that makes everybody just even more tense as I'm now pointing my blasters at the.

"Who are you and how did you get my suit" Stark says pointing his own blasters at me, and he sounds pretty pissed to me from inside his slightly bigger gold and red suit.

"Woah, clam down Stark!" I say and lift my arm to open my face piece. Yeah I know, old fashioned and stupid in fights, but hey, I don't own a million dollars like one particular asshole. But as soon as I lift my arm to press the button I'm knocked back by something hard, round and patriotic. My body flies back a few meters from the sheer power of the hit, but my suit protects me from any further harm. But man it still hurts.

Groaning I roll over to my stomach, crawl up into a crouch still huffing and grunting, I press the button to open the face piece. Leaning on my knee I look over my shoulder at the angry superheroes staring at me. "Fuck, you hit hard Spangles" I huff at Steve and stand up.

"Amy?" he says looking like a confused puppy even beneath his helmet. "The one and only" I grin at him. "Now I would appreciate you not blowing me up, and us getting a move on. We do have a orphanage to save, don't we?"(yeah I may have hacked the quinjet and checked the destination) I say looking at each one of them in the eyes. (well, except Stark) Natasha gets immediately back to work, and Clint follows her into the quinjet to prepare for take off, after he shoots a wink at me that is.

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