Rules and Love

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My lovely sleep is interrupted by not the beep of hell, but my phone ringing. I open my eyes and groggily sit up. The sheets of my fancy bed are a mess, as am I. Rolling off the bed I rummage through my bag searching for my phone. When I find it I stare in horror at the name of the caller. Bae <3.

Oh no. I forgot to call after Fury told me about me living here. I'm gonna be verbally murdered for being 'a careless cause of worries'. Picking up I nervously say "Hey babe". "Why haven't you called me for three days? What reason do you have this time? Stuck in the lab three days straight? Baby you know that it's not healthy for you. You know what? I'm gonna pop over to your place to make sure you take care of yourself-". "Babe" I cut of the rambling on the other line. "I'm not home..." "Are you still at work? Well I can start to cook for us dinner-" "Darling, you do remember the last time you cooked?" I interrupt again, smiling slightly at the memory. "That is true..." "There was spaghetti on the ceiling. And besides, I'm... I'm not going to be home for awhile".  There is silence on the other end until.

"Why". Dangerously calm talk. Oh my genie I'm screwed. "Well," take a deep breath. "Fury sent me to live at... Stark Tower" the last words come out in a rush. "Well then, I'm coming there." Say what? "What? No no no you are not coming here-" "Oh nonsense, I have the right to see my girlfriend. Just make sure security doesn't kick me out. See you soon!" "No wait-" but the call has already disconnected. Huffing I write a command to EVA, telling her to inform the lobby of a coming arrival.

I push myself of the bed, witch is surprisingly hard, considering how low it is. I head back the way Natasha and I took as we came here. Finally I come back to the living room thing. Steve is sitting on one couch facing Banner and Stark, who are seated on the opposite couch, their backs facing me. Steve looks up as he spots me. He opens his mouth to say something but before that happens I state my case. "I have a person coming over right now. And yes I did try to stop this but trust me, there is no stopping Al" I put my hands up in defense.

"Oh, okay" Banner says, turning to look at me. He has got his glasses in his hand, constantly fiddling with them. "How long till hes here?" "Eh, maybe 30min, tops 40. Well unless Al was in the neighborhood, witch would mean that-" "Okay, so who is he?" Steve interrupts me. "Is he your boyfriend?" Stark pipes in. Oh my gods I'm gonna die during this conversation. I open my mouth to give him a snarky comment but just then the elevator doors ding and open up to show two sweaty assassins.

"Your finally up I see" Barton says to me walking to a free couch. "Wait, how long did I sleep?" suddenly I realize that it's getting dark outside. "About four hours" Banner answers. "Four hours?" I spin around to stare at him. "Why didn't you wake me?" Steve shrugs. "Had no reason to". I stare at him with my mouth open. "Had no reason to?!" I'm almost shouting, but not quite. "So you let me sleep through the day instead?" I look at each of them in order. Nobody seams to be worried that I just wasted a whole day, that I could have been spending doing useful things. Barton seams even a bit amused.

Taking a deep breath I decide to let it slide. "Okay anyway. Is there any ground rules that I should know of. And don't you dare try to come up with any new ones". I glare at Stark meaningfully. He puts his hands up in a gesture of peace. "No explosives in common areas" "No breaking stuff" Steve says. "Experiments stay in the labs" Bruce. "Fighting in the training hall" Natasha. "No shooting in the living room." Clint. "And no pop tarts in the toaster" I raise my eyebrow at that one. Gosh I really wanna hear that story. "Anyway, you get the idea kid" Stark says.

My head snaps to him and I shoot my best murdering glare at him. "Don't call me kid". "Fine. But you are still a kid you know" he says teasingly. "I'm 17. I'm a teenager. Not a kid, not an adult, a teenager. The best years of life. Well, according to tumblr" I smile a little at my own joke. Everybody else looks confused, especially Steve. I sigh and start to think out a plan to explain, and then get this conversation back on track.

Right then, before I get a chance to explain myself, the elevator doors open once again. I spin around and stare straight into a pair of familiar green eyes. I rush over to Al and give a quick but deep kiss. "Well hi there" I say as I lean back to stare at those forest green eyes. "Well hello darling" Al answers with a smile. I run my hands through the long bright orange hair that I love and lock my hands at the nape of Al's neck. "You look nice babe" I say. A smile breaks out on Al's face. "Why thank you Amy" Before we get the chance to do anything more the voice of Tony Bloody Stark interrupts us.

"You have a girlfriend?"


Alright, two chapters in one day I'm one fire. And yeah if you are not LGBTQ+ friendly you can exit now and skip the mean comments entirely. Have a wonderful day and don't forget to



and Follow (:

~ Love, Mama Magic

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