Mission debrief and secrets I'll never tell

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We all stay and stare at the door after Fury has left, processing the new information we just got. I'm the first one to break the silence.

"Hypnos? Anybody know who that is?" Looking around the room, everybody is mumbling no's and shaking their heads. Everybody except one particularly smart red-head.

"Al" I ask her and her head shoots up, those emerald eyes staring at me like hidden treasures. "Nothing from recent history, but Hypnos was the god of sleep in Ancient Greece. The Romans called him Somnus." She explains.

"So your saying this may be another god?" Clint says, speaking for the first time. Guess he likes to stay in the back and observe. Like a hawk. Kaw kaw.

"Maybe, but it can also be somebody using the name to give an effect. Wheres Thor by the way? He might know something" Al answers looking around like she expected him to just magically appear. Well on the other hand, he is a god so, anything could happen.

"He's not here. Thor's back at Asgard taking care of what ever he does." Stark says walking over to the screen that Fury had been using and took out the file. Clicking a few buttons he mad it disappear and turned back to look at us. "I've just sent the file to all of you. Read it over and call me if you find anything. I'll be down in the labs" He looked at Al when he spoke but he was obviously talking to us all. And with that he walks over to the elevator and disappears almost as dramatically as Fury had.

Sighing I look at Al who had moved behind me and put a supporting hand on my shoulder. She pecks my temple and walks then over to Banner and they start talking not mechanical science stuff. I stand there a moment feeling lost in a room full of people. Steve is talking with Natasha and Clint is standing there trying to look important. He's probably ether watching me or thinking about food or something. 

Deciding I should unpack my stuff, as it seems that I will be needing some of it quite soon, I look over to Al who is talking passionately with doctor Banner. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her from behind and whisper huskily in her ear. "I'm heading back to my room to finish unpacking. Your welcome to join me."

The sentence she was saying gets caught in her throat, her breath becoming a little bit labeled and I can feel her heartbeat quicken as I press my lips to her collarbone making her arch her back slightly in pleasure. Then I release her, leaving her there shaken and out of breath, smirking to myself at the effect I have on her. Turning on my heel I start walking towards the elevator. 

I love teasing her like this in public places. The only problem is that two can play this game. I suspect that she will revenge this, but it was so worth it.   

"Coming?" I call heading to the elevator, trying to seem unfazed. "Umh?.. Uh no thank you, I'll stay here" Her voice is a bit wobbly, and I have to resist the urge to look at her. She's so cute when shes blushing, her hair falling in her eyes, her pushing it back trying to compose herself again but you can see the cracks forming, her facade coming undone. A glimpse of Al, buried underneath business Alexandra.

Being very unoriginal I step into the elevator, turn to look at her and mouth "suit yourself" before the doors close. Just before they close I can see her gulp. Chuckling to myself I head back to my room, having to use the map back that I made Eva make, just once.

As soon as I get there I grab my clothing bag and drag it towards the walk-in closet that is going to come into handy now. Walking in the light flicker on around me displaying all the shelves around me. There is one human sized mirror at the back, and one on the right wall, and opposite of it is a as big shelf compartment without the shelves. Perfect.

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