Part 8

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Kevin felt a sudden wave of distress take over his body. He wasn't afraid nor worried, just distressed. He felt uncomfortable but not upset. He didn't have an emotion, just irritation. He hadn't seen his mother in 5 years, ever since she left. Instead of her coming back on her own will to see him, she was in the hospital....again.

"Jenna......I can' I can't go in there", Kevin said starting to shake. As empathetic as Jenna was considering her relationship with her mother would trigger the same reaction, she refused to let him off.

"I do not care what you can and cannot do right now. You need to go in there with your mother, and you need to help her."

"How am I supposed to help her? We aren't even allowed to work on family members, are we?", His upset reply made Jenna tense up, but she remained calm. She opened the door and their Kevin's mother was, she was breathing well but she was tinier than she used to be. She was missing a patch of hair, she seemingly ripped out. She was also staring off tapping her fingers an even number of times on monitor.

"Ms?", Kevin said to her. It didn't grab her attention but it slowed her motions.

"Ms Olusola?", he said again. She stopped tapping and slowly started to turn her head towards him. Kevin walked to the left side of his mother, which was what she preferred. He waited for her head to reach him and her eyes to look directly into his. He didn't cry, knowing she would set off again. He didn't dare say a word first, knowing she would freak and blow. He just looked into her eyes, her's looking right back.

"Who are you?.", she said. Her voice was gradually lower, with a sharp tone. She obviously hadn't eaten a proper meal in the while, and she still smelled of various alcohols. He wanted to tell her that she was his mother so so so bad, but he knew better.

"I-I'm just a friend Ms", Kevin replied with a warm, but extremely fake smile.

"Ha-Have you seen my son? Does he...does he work here? I doubt he does, he's always been a disappointment." Kevin then remembered all that had been forgotten. The late night screaming because his mother forget he existed. The days where she'd refuse to talk to or look at anyone. The days where she couldn't even walk. But worst of all, the days she tried to hurt him. A punishment for his disappointments and her dissatisfaction. Kevin looked over to Jenna in hopes that she would save him somehow.

She did light, subtle knocks on the door. "Ms.Olusola? My names Nurse Faith, do you mind if I talk to you a bit?", she asked with a lighter, fluffier tone than usual. Ms.Olusola looked to Kevin.

"Friend? Is she good?", Kevin looked from his mother to Jenna.

"She's the best'am" Kevin replied. Ms. Olusola nodded and Jenna walked over to her left side. "Can you check on these patients for me?" She said handing him a binder full of discharged patients. She really just needed an excuse to get him out and keep him calm.

"Of course Ms. Faith", He said in a happy, but false tone. As he walked out of the room he could hear Jenna introducing herself to his mother. He could her her talk about where she was and what was happening. It was only mere seconds before he had fully left the hearing vicinity, but it felt as if hours had passed. He ended up walking back to his room, laying on his bed and falling asleep.
"Hello Mr....Hoying is it?", The Psych guy asked Scott.

Scott nodded with a smile and said, "You can call me Scott if you'd like".

Psyche guy smiled back and said, "Well I'm Mr. Hall but you can always call me Todrick." Scott nodded, "So Scott, was the nightmare the same as last time?" Scott thought about lying, but he knew better than that.

"Um, well the weird phrases and the rotation of people is still the same but it was like a dream before hand." Scott said, his voice shaking with nerves. Mitch was a sensitive topic so talking about him getting raped was, unimaginable.

"Well, do you mind telling me what happened?", Todrick asked with a light voice. Scott took a deep breath, looked to the door, looked back to him and told him all that happened. There was about a minute of silence while Todrick took notes.

He had asked a few questions and then set off "Alright Scott, we'll schedule a meeting with the head of our department so that he can ask you a few question besides the mandatory ones and prescribe you anything new if you need it." Todrick smiled and waved goodbye as he walked out the room.

"Wait wait....Todrick?", Scott said to him. Todrick looked back over, "Don't tell Mitch what happened, and when you tell Jenna tell her not either. I don't want him to know about it." Todrick sighed and gave him a look, but nodded.

Todrick closed the door and walked over to the group. They were mainly worried about Kevin but when they saw him they immediately switched their concerns. "I can't legally tell you all anything, neither can Scott or Jenna at the moment, just know he's fine." That's all Todrick said as he walked away.

Mitch sighed and was about to speak when Jenna came running down the hall. "I just wanted to tell you guys that Kevin and everyone involved with his situation are okay." She then started running again, upset with herself for lying to them.

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Yes I'm the one with the Halloween meme username and the Christmas layout

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