Author's Note

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Okay so I'm a total noob at writing and I doubt any of my stories will actually be good. So I'm going to try something new and actually stick with a book. So if y'all don't like it or have any tips, message me. Also just to give you a little background to go along with the story, it's got the same idea as Incurable by Superfruit_IsLife (Also if by some random chance you don't know who she is go check her out she's a queen) Any way, this story bases around Mitch, Scott, Avi,  Kirstin, Jeremy, and Alex have been sent to a hospital for their mental/physical disorders. Kevin arrives as a med student who was offered some hands on experience, and things just go from there. So I hope y'all enjoy my first REAL book.

BY THE WAY I got my cover from ashlxy- who makes amazing book covers. You should go check out the ones she's already made, also if you need them ask for your own.

One more thing, I have literally no idea when I'm going to start updating. Also I don't know if I'll have a solid schedule, it all depends on the feedback I receive.

Also if you find any mistakes correct me in the comments (: ~ Jenna

One More Day (Scömìche + Jerstie + Avin)Where stories live. Discover now