Okay THIS is Part 7

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I'm ditching the whole POV thing because let's be real, they were never actual POVs so yeah
Scott soon awoke, covered in sweat, tears streaming down his face. He looked around in a panic, not sure of what was reality. He saw he was in his room, laying down on his bed.

"Hey honey, you're awake.", Mitch said walking over to the side of his bed. He gently rubbed his head and gave him a warm smile. "Did you have the dream again?", he asked while comforting him.

  Scott nodded and looked forward, "It was different this time, there was this new guy Kevin. He was a surgical trainee or something and came to experience what it was like in here." He decided to avoid mentioning how much Mitch had gone through, not ready to have that conversation.

"That part wasn't a dream, Kevin is here and he's staying with Avi", Scott nodded again, laughing a bit. "What's so funny?", Mitch asked. Confused on why he was smiling while covered in the overwhelming amounts of bodily fluids.

  "I'm just happy you're here, despite my terrible attitude and nightmares.", Mitch just laughed. "What's so funny?", Scott asked, repeating Mitch's phrase.

  "Scott you are one of the sweetest most selfless and amazing people I've ever known. Your nightmares are not something you can control they are just an obstacle you have to deal with, and you know what? When you and I are out of here and are finally okay, I'll be the one singing that one really irritating song about all the obstacles you've crossed."

  "Oh god no, is the one where it's like "I can see clearly now the rain is gone?" Cause if so please don't" , Scott said as they both started to laugh.

  Soon there was a knock on the door and Jenna was in the doorway, "Hey guys, are you doing okay?", she asked.

"Yeah, we're doing great", Mitch said smiling and tightening his clasp on Scott's hand.

"That's great, but we do have to get the guy from psych over here so we can get that all done. Then you guys can go do whatever you want." , She said grinning ear to ear.

  "Pfft lame"

  Scott and Mitch said at the same time. Jenna giggled and said, "Oh how I love you both. Mitch babe, we have to go now so that psych guy can come over here. "

  Mitch rolled his eyes and smiled, "Fine" he said sarcastically. "Bye darling", he said to Scott as he smiled and walked away with Jenna.

  Scott sighed and all he could think about was how amazing Mitch was.
Jenna and Mitch walked down the hall to see Kevin and Kirstin entranced in a conversation about different physiological disorders when Kevin turned to see them.

He tapped Kirstin on the shoulder and they both jogged over to them. "Hey Mitch, how's...Scott?" Kevin said hesitant, he was never very good with names.

Mitch chucked, "Yes, and he's much better than when you and Avi found him in the middle of the floor. He just woke up and the psych guy is going in to assess his nightmare and then he'll be all ours. "

"That's perfect." Kirstin said.

"Well guys, as much as I love talking to you. I've got some other patients to check on." Jenna said.

"Well I guess you better get going. Short legs take double the time to get there right?" Kirstin retaliated while raising her eyebrow. Everyone laughed as Jenna gave her a look.

"Don't forget, this whole 5 foot chunk of amazingness determines whether you leave this hell or are stuck being the child in my arms.", and with that she started walking off.

"Does she actually determine whether you leave?", Kevin asked a bit surprised. Everyone nodded and Kevin raised an eyebrow. "But she's like 20 and she's personally connected to you guys."

"Well she's 19 to be exact, and she's one of the most advanced people in this hospital. Despite being a nurse." Kirstin answered.

"Plus she used to attend this place, she was here for 4ish years." Mitch added. "She's a big rep considering her history with the place."

"That's gre-", before Kevin could finish Jenna came running down the hall at lightning speed, stopping at the small group.

"As much as I love y'all talking about my personal life, Kevin I need you to come with me." And with that she kept running, Kevin closely behind.

"So why are we running so fast?", Kevin asked slowly losing breath.

"Two things K. One, you have to work on your running skills. You can't run out of breath while needing to insert a chest tube or do anything of importance. Two.....", She slowed down till she stopped in front of a door. "Two, Kevin it's.....it's your mother."
I am the QUEEN of rushing chapters

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