Part 5

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We're gonna pretend this whole book has stayed in first person and not 3rd person omniscient

Nurse Faith's POV
What am I supposed to do? I've got Mitch in one bed and Alex in the other across the hospital. Alex's aorta is probably disintegrating as I think this bullshit and Mitch.....I don't even know what going on with Mitch. Great now I'm paranoid with the thoughts that Mitch is getting worse and he hasn't eaten. Ugh.....what am I gonna do?

All these thoughts were racing through Jenna's head as she had no idea what to do. When she reached Alex's room she felt subtle relief when she found Alex laying on his bed awake and alert.

"Hey Lexus, what's wrong?"

Suddenly Nurse Alvarado spoke from the corner, "He's been muttering numbers for the past hour and I didn't know what to think of it."

"Alvarado you do realize he has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, otherwise known as OCD, and he may just be filing in to his compulsions. Now if this is the case, you just paged me a 9-1-1 and took me away from a kid who actually is worthy of a 9-1-1 page. Think with your brain next time Alvarado, not your ass. " She then turned and walked next to Alex.

"Alex honey, are you okay. ", Alex smiled a sweet smile and nodded. Jenna smiled back and then started to leave the room before she said.

"I mean it Alvarado, this group is full of the most important people to me." She turned to look towards his guilty face. "And if one of them dies while I'm here dealing with a false page, I will never forgive you and you will never take care of them ever again. " And with that she was gone.

Avi's POV
As the Avi was running beside Kevin and behind Scott he felt as if the world had stopped. Being honest, Avi had feelings for Mitch. Of course he'd never admit it considering how in love Scott and Mitch are. He just didn't know what he'd do without him, it all seemed kind of stupid. Obsessing over someone who doesn't love you or care about you. Someone who couldn't care less if you were the one to die. All of the sudden he couldn't breathe, he kept running but it was as if someone had shoved him into a harness or a pair of jeans way too tight. He felt compressed and unable to control his body, but he kept running. He'd never stop until he reached Mitch.

"We have to wait here." Scott then spoke as he slowed down as he approached one of the rooms. He was about to speak again, when Nurse Faith came running down the hall.

"What's going on?" Scott said confused on why she was outside and not inside with Mitch.

"Nurse Alvarado paged me a 9-1-1 on Alex, but he's fine it was a false alarm. I've got to go back inside so please don't go anywhere"

"Wouldn't dream of it." Scott said with a nervous smile. Avi and Kevin sat down but Scott couldn't help but pace constantly.

"Can one of you distract me so I don't think about the terrible possibility of things Mitch could be going through right now?" Scott said about .2 seconds from tears.

"I could bore you with an overloading amount of medical facts." Kevin said trying to be humorous but also completely serious.

"No Jenna does that to us already. Um...tell me about yourself considering it's your first day here. " Scott replied enthusiastically.

"Okay well, my name's Kevin Olusola. I'm 23 and my birthday is on October 5th. I was raised in Owensboro, Kentucky in a Nigerian household. I can play the cello and beatbox and I'm all in all a musical guy. Any questions?"

Scott who had seemingly calmed down a bit thought for a few seconds when asked. "How come you're in medical school. I mean you love music so why not pursue it as a career, you know?"

Kevin didn't know how to respond to that. He just never really thought he could do music like that. Maybe perform in a few little cafés and stuff but never professionally on stages. "To answer that question honestly, I don't know. I always kind of assumed I had to do something more productive, where I could make a difference in someone's life."

"You can always make a difference in someone's life. You just never know if it's good or bad. " Avi replied looking up from his hands. "You never know if it'll be good....or bad".

Scott's POV
There was silence for a few minutes after Avi's moment before Nurse Faith came out of Mitch's room with a dark face. "So, I have good news and bad news. Which do you prefer to hear first?"

Scott looked around before saying, "Bad news. Gotta rip off the bandaid. "

Nurse Faith nodded as she said, "We don't know exactly what's going on with Mitch but we have a good assumption. Mitch has bruises on his hip bones and wrists. The ones on his wrists are faint so it's understandable if non of you noticed them. However the ones on his hips are dark and fresh, he most likely got them yesterday or early today. "

"Wait so, someone......someone raped him?" Scott replied tearing up with every syllable. All Nurse Faith could do was nod, having the same reaction. Avi and Kevin's jaws had dropped and they were stunned.

Nurse Faith looked at Scott, walked over and developed him in a hug. She pushed her head against his chest before saying, "I have no idea what happened or who did this....but I will find out, and they will be out of this hospital within seconds. And if not, they're really going to wish they were."

The cringe is real

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