theres a meme on a boat

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"You're an awesome friend,"
-Sydneys mother


Sorry if I'm annoying to any of you but I'm here anyways aren't I? Yes.

Oops i didn't know if I should put Sydney's moms name down but I didn't just in case.

So Sydney went on a cruise and I decided I should write her letters to read on the cruise from me. That's where Sydneys mother said that to me because I wanted her to sneak it into Sydney's suitcase right before they left and I hope they made it :)

Also I bet Sydney is dying without connection to anyone so when she gets back we literally need to tackle her in a hug.

I really miss Sydney and I bet all of you guys do too because man a week without a meme is like a week without, well, a meme.

That's all I have to say really but I bet Sydney and her family is have so much fun like woah.

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