Opinion #2

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Don't. Ever. Use. The. Word. Gay. In. A. Bad. Way. Ever.

Literally if you say "that's so gay" I will punch you in the neck.

I get that "gay" people may make you uncomfortable because they're way cuter than you, have a sense of style, have way more friends, and probably are stealing your bæ, but still lay off.

But seriously, please get that people are different from you.

It's like going up to a person of a different gender and saying "you're such a girl" in an offensive way.

Or going up to somebody with a darker skin color and asking them how "hood life" is treating them.

I can't imagine how people must feel when that phrase is used against them. Like I'm hella straight and it makes me hella mad when people say that, so I honestly would love to hear what people think when they aren't.

And to all the people who say being gay is a sin. Fuck you. It's also a sin to wear two different kinds of fabrics and lie. Y'all are sinners.

It's also a sin to "hate thy neighbor" and talk badly about you "siblings under God". Just saying.

Also being different isn't bad. Some people have curly hair, some people have straight. Some eyes are blue, some eyes are brown. Some people are Christian some are atheist.

Really what I'm trying to say is, anyone who discriminates gay people are basically Hitler. And Hitler can go fuck a cactus. I say this because you're taking a whole group of people and basing your opinion on things you've heard or been told about them. That's wrong m8.

Seriously though, you may not agree with people living that way, but that doesn't mean you have to bring it to an extreme or put people down about it.

Thank you for listening to this extra long rant, brought to you by the 2 ventis of hazel nut coffee I had this morning that made me hyped all day.

-Bean Supreme
(FYI if you're wondering what kind of bean I am, the answer is a coffee bean and a Garbonzo bean)

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