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What if instead of the lyrics no in the song no were replaced by Luke Hemmings. My name is.. Luke Hemmings, my sign is... Luke Hemmings my number is Luke Hemmings- Ethan

In my household the name Luke Hemmings comes up a lot.

Ironically Ashton Irwin comes up even more. But honestly Ethan loves Luke Hemmings. Who wouldn't TBH.

Although he doesn't have the same love for Luke Hemmings as Grace, who started crying because she saw a picture of Luke Hemmings.

My brother is currently having a birthday party, and one of his friends is deathly afraid of our cat. TBH I am too, but still.

Look forward to a quote book from them, because some of the stuff they say is already cracking me up.

That's all for now folks.

-Bean Supreme

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