Reasons You Do NOT Go Shopping with Dick Grayson

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1.He tries to buy EVERYTHING!
Alfred took little twelve year old Dick out with him to buy groceries. He had made a list and told Dick to help him follow it. When he returned home he had a bill of $10,000 and 200 boxes of unicorn cereal.

2. He likes to play trolley bowling!
After the first incident, Alfred hadn't taken Dick back to the store for three years. When he finally did bring him back he lectured Dick about his behaviour. Turns out he had not paid any attention. That's when Dick decided it was a good idea to play trolley bowling and crush a little old lady. Dick was banned from the store and got mug shot pictures..

3. He buys unnecessary items!
"How about this bike, Alfie?" Alfred looked away from the cereal and towards his younger charge to see him with two bikes. "No, master Dick. Why would we ever need bikes?" Dick shrugged and put them back. He then came back.. with a cat. "NO!"

4. He became mayor of a small town in Kentucky!
Alfred was at the counter signing up for a club card when Dick suddenly disappeared. When Alfred finally found him at the back of the store he was cutting a rope and being declared the mayor of the town he named 'Rainbow Monkey love.'  Alfred couldn't help but facepalm.

5. He won the lottery!
"One ticket please." Alfred asked politely and then felt a tug on his freshly ironed blazer. He looked down to see nine year old Dick look up at him with wanting. Alfred smiled. "Two."
That night, Alfred and Dick sat in the living room of Wayne manor and watched as the numbers were called out. Alfred wasn't that sad that he lost. After all, it was a low chance of anyone winning. He turned to look at Dick who looked confused. "It's ok that you lost, master Dick." Dick shook his head. "No, I won!" Alfred's jaw hit the floor. What was even more shocking was what he spent the winnings on. He bought a damn Batman costume..

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