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I hop on the school bus and sit with my friends; Anna, Brian and Cody. "Did you know there's a new guy starting at school?" Anna asks me.

"I do now." I reply. "How do you know?"

"Mary told me who heard it from Jane who heard it from the popular girls in the bathroom yesterday." She replies.

"What's his name?" Brian asks, pulling out his laptop.

"Cameron Dallas." Anna replies.

"Give me a second and I'll have all the information you want on him." Brian is a hacker, he can find anything out about anyone and log into the school computers and change our grades, not that we ever need him too.

"I want to know all about him." Anna says dreamily. "He has a hot name."

"He makes vines on YouTube and has a channel on there with almost five million subscribers but behind the lime light he's been arrested three times, once for paint twister, what ever that is, once for drag racing and the other for possession of drugs." Brian explains.

"Anything else?" I ask him.

"Whoa, this kid is badass guys, stay clear." Brian advises looking deeper into Cameron's life.

The bus jolts to a stop and everyone pushes past me to get off. "Thank you Paula." I smile to the driver before hoping off the last step.

The four of us head straight to class and take our seats before the bell rings. "Right students, today we have a new class member. This is Cameron Dallas." Mrs Geddes introduces.

"Sup." He says, making me role my eyes but every other girl apart from Anna drool all over him. Unfortunately the only seat free is behind me so that's where he sits.

I hear him slump down and swing his bag off his shoulder and put it under the desk. "Let's get on with the lesson shall we; Nineteen sixty four..." Miss trails on.

"Pst!" Cameron says but I ignore him. "Pst!" He repeats but again I ignore him. After a solid few minutes of ignoring he taps me firmly on the shoulder, making me turn around. "Are you deaf?"

"No I just don't like you." I reply, turning back around. I get a few seconds peace before Cameron starts kicking the back of my chair over and over again until I turn back to him. "What?!"

"Do you have a pen?" He asks with a smirk.

"It's your first day, why don't you have one?" I question him.

"Because I can just use other people's." Cameron replies in a DUH tone.

"Well you can't use mine." I whisper, trying not to get caught talking.

"I'll just bother you until you give me one." Cameron chuckles.

"Fine." I slam the pen down on his desk and turn back around in my seat. I can tell already Cameron is going to be trouble.

"Now I'm going to pair you up, in this pair you two must create a ten to fifteen minute presentation on the plague, you have three weeks." Miss Geddes explains.

She goes through the whole class and eventually gets to me. "Alice, since your my star pupil I'm going to pair you up with Cameron, so you can show him how things are done here at West Wood." My heart sinks, I've just been partnered with the guy I was hoping to avoid for the rest of my life.

"Here's your pen back, partner." Cameron smirks, dropping the pen on my desk and picking up his bag.

I really wanted to tell him that he should make my life easier and go back to where ever he came from but what I end up saying is. "Thanks."

Everyone waits in their seats for the bell to ring. "Alice, Cameron, I'd just like to remind you both that this presentation must be equally done, Alice I will know if it's just your work and if it is you will both fail." Miss explains before returning to her desk.

Great. Just great. *sense the sarcasm*

The bell sounds loudly through the hallways and classroom indicating for next class.

Cameron is the first to get out of his seat. "See you later partner." Cameron chuckles before walking down the row and to the door.

"I haven't dismissed you yet." Mrs Geddes snaps at him.

"Do I look like I care?" He laughs to himself before walking out the door. Where could he be going? He doesn't come across like the type of guy that's really excited for math class.

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