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I held my breath as I watched Nixon speak to the owners of my childhood home, my nerves were rattled and I had found it extremely uncomfortable in the truck as I fidgeted in my seat. When Nixon turned around and walked back to the truck my body jerked, had the current owners said no? That was my first thought before my door was opened. Nixon held out his hand and helped me out of the truck "relax little one, the woman gave her permission. Do you still want to do this?"

I nodded my head closing the door of the truck. I needed to do this. I trudged up the familiar steps of my old home; upon entering the smell of cinnamon entered my nostrils. Mrs. Cart, the lady of the house, was cooking something; slowly I made my way around. My hands touched the wall feeling the stone, my eyes caught the pillar just before the stairs, bending down my fingers tips grazed the heights that had been engraved there. Mum would always make me stand upright and measure me then take a photo and send it to dad wherever he was.

"How long did you live here?" Mrs. Cart asked, she had been watching us since we entered, not that I blamed her. We were perfect strangers in her house and Nixon could easily overpower her.

"Up until two years ago." I answered.

"Why did you move out? If you don't mind me asking."

I shook my head, "my mother remarried and we had moved in with her husband, she had said goodbye to everything here...I didn't."

"And your father?"

"Killed in action."

The woman gasped "dear lord. Forgive my intrusion dear."

"It's fine."

We had moved on, the family that was now residing in the house my father had built, changed up everything. They had repainted everything, the once soft blue now a vibrant yellow, the kitchen had been remodeled, and daddy's gym was turned into a game room for Mrs. Cart's children.

Standing now inside what was once my room, I looked out the window, the lake could be seen just in the distance, the water shimmered still with the light of the sun. Turning I walked over to the south wall, raising my fist against the wall, I knocked three times before I pushed the hidden part. A little space opened and in it was my dad's uniform jacket. Taking it, I put it on hugging the fabric to my body.

I sighed, before going back to Nixon's side, taking his hand I squeezed tightly before looking at Mrs. Cart whom was staring at uniform. "Your father...he was a..."

"He was a soldier." I stated "thank you for allowing me into your home Mrs. Cart, the place that my dad built himself has many memories for me, I hope you and your family make just as much." Hugging the older woman, I bid her goodbye before Nixon and I left.

Visiting the place that my dad had made a home, gave me the closure I needed to finally do what I had refused to all those years ago. I hadn't taken the jacket off, not when I had walked into the flower shop to buy a bouquet of tulips or when Nixon and I had pulled into the cemetery where my father laid.

"You were brave back there, I'm proud of you" he whispered.

"It feels weird" I mumbled,

"It will for a while, but remember sweets, I'm right here with you."

Hopping from the truck I took the flowers and took a deep breath, today would be a major milestone for me. Saying goodbye was something I never thought I'd be doing so early in my life, I had dreams of growing old and wrinkly with my parents but circumstances sure had changed. Feeling Nixon's presence behind me, I let him give me the comfort and strength I needed. Taking my hand in his he urged me forward, and so I went.

Taking the first step toward my father's grave.


Last chapter before the epilogue lovelies! Victoria has come a long way on her journey, now she's able to finally say her goodbye. Death is always hard to deal with and even harder when it's unexpected, it's best to take your time and overcome it at your own pace.

Quote of the day

                                                     Quote of the day ⬇

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Thank you for reading! See you next time. 💋

- xoxo T

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