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"If there's ever a time you find yourself alone, stand strong, even if the world is against you."

"Dad there's no possible way anyone could survive with the world against them" he was acting weird, it was as though he was telling me he was leaving on a jet plane and didn't know when he'd be back again.

"Not everyone can...but you can" his voice never wavered, his eyes told me something, my father believed in me and that brought a smile to my face.

"Yeah? And how do you know that?"

"Because you're my little warrior."

"Little? I'm seventeen now dad, not so 'little' anymore" I laughed.

He hugged me to his side and kissed the top of my head, "even when you're old and wrinkly you'll still be my little girl."

"Who knew you could be so cheesy!"

My fist flew repeatedly at the bag; music was turned up loudly in my ears, the rest of the world forgotten as I pummeled the sand bag. I had expected to wake up and be in tears, to hyperventilate, scream like a banshee and ask god to bring my hero back. But the tears never came, the sadness didn't overwhelm me; instead, hatred found its way to me and it fueled my anger. I wasn't sure who I should direct my hatred to, was it to the Almighty, for taking away the most important person in my life? Was it to the man that had come into my life like a hurricane trying to make me better? Or was it to my father for leaving me with a gaping hole in my chest?

It was all three.

Who the hell was he to take people away? Just because he was past the clouds did not give him the right to take whatever he wanted! Dammit I wanted to know why!

And that beautiful sex on legs man that controls everything! I kicked the bag, grunting in frustration as Nixon's smile appeared in my mind. Why did he have to show up now?! His sweet, charming and protective self, drives me crazy! Who the hell is so damn perfect? My cheeks warmed, narrowing my eyes I paused, why was I so hung up on Nixon? Did he put some spell on me? Was it something to do with him being a shape shifting animal?

My earphones were pulled out. "Victoria."

Spinning around I came face to face with the handsome devil "what?" I grunted.

"I think that's enough for today," he said stiffly, his entire body was tense, like he was on guard or something.

"Leave me alone, Nixon" I was about to turn back when he grabbed my arm.

"I said that was enough."

Yanking my hand from his grip I glared at him, "I don't need you to tell me when I've had enough of something" I snapped.

He snarled quietly, eyes flashing and taking a step closer "stop acting like a spoilt brat; I don't have time to put up with your attitude today."

I froze sensing the dangerous aura rolling off him, my anger sparked and I clenched my fists "I've never asked you to look out for me Nixon, matter of fact I'd appreciate it if you and your friends would stop."

"So you can just run off and get smashed? You need to start thinking about those around you"

"Who are you referring to Nixon? Pops is in the ground, mom's off with her husband's pack of freaks and Jay's somewhere out on the ocean, who do I have to think about but myself?" I knew I had hurt him but maybe it was for the best, I wasn't the best person to be around right now.

"Then think about when he gets home and sees what frame of mind you're in."

I scoffed "who knows if he'll even make it home" I mumbled.



Before I knew it, my back collided with the ground, stunned I blinked twice before looking up at Nixon. "Is this the only way you know how to put a woman on her back?" I stood from the floor patting my bum a little.

"it's a good thing you're father isn't around to see what kind of person you've become, he'd surely be ashamed to call you a daughter."

My anger boiled over, I lunged at Nixon, throwing expert punches like my father had taught me. A jab, a right cross and a roundhouse kick sent him stumbling to the floor, in my anger it had pained me to even hit him but he warranted whatever he got from me.

Recovering quickly he tackled me sending us both to the ground, he was faster than me by far, instantly taking a hold of my hands trapping them above my head and locking my legs under him. Glaring at him, he smirked at me "afraid of the truth little one?"

"You're an asshole."

"Been called worse."

His face crept closer to mine, as he was about to say something I smashed my head into his face. Groaning in pain he rolled away from me giving me an opportunity to stand, I grabbed my shit and hauled it over my shoulder, I didn't want to be anywhere near him, just looking at his face pissed me off.

Ignoring the eyes that followed me and Nixon's calls I left the gym; I drove beyond the speed limit with no thought of safety in mind, I paid no mind to the blaring horns or the angry drivers as I sped to my uncle's house. Upon arriving, I shuffled my way out of the truck slamming the door then trudging up the path to Jay's house. Quickly unlocking the door I stepped inside and threw my gym bag on the floor, swinging the door shut I heard the rattling of the crystallized glass from the force I used. My breathing was labored and hard, like a raging bull. I don't remember making it to my room but once there I took my anger out, I broke smashed and trashed the things in my room, yelling and screaming in rage.

"How dare you. How dare you leave me here alone dad!" taking the vase from my desk I threw it at the wall "weren't you the one who said, see you soon?! I waited! I hate it here...I hate you!"

I drove my fist into the wall before tiredness took its toll, sliding down the wall I put my head in my bloodied hands, my chest continued to hurt but no tears had come, my eyes hadn't burned with wetness at all but they did weigh with tiredness. I was angry at dad, I wanted one more time. One more time to laugh with him, to be in his arms, to push paper boats out on the river, to tell him how everything was going to hear his cheesy and sappy speeches.

One more time to hear him say see you soon baby girl.

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