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A smile had been permanently implanted on my face, this had been one of the best birthday's I'd had yet. Andre and Rosette had contacted Nixon who had informed them about my uncle coming home for my birthday and from there they had planned.

I was beyond happy that Jay had returned in one piece, I'd been even more ecstatic when he told me he would not be returning to the military. The foreboding that had lurked was blown away when relief had washed over me; I tackled Jay, squeezing the life out of him while I hugged him. I had stuck to his side throughout the day, maybe it had seemed ridiculous to others but I couldn't take my eyes off of him, I knew he was there to stay but a part of me thought that he would magically disappear if I looked away for too long.

Now sitting on the swing chair in the veranda, Jay had indulged my behavior for most of the day. As my head rested on his shoulder we were surrounded by silence, the sun settled below the horizon.

"I think it's time you stop running away ladybug" Jay murmured, my eyes flickered to his face wondering what he was talking about. "I know about Nixon."

"We haven't done anything!" I squeaked.

"I would sure as hell hope not, if he had taken advantage of you in the state you were in I would've shot him dead." Jay growled.

Lifting my head from his shoulder I couldn't help but laugh a bit, "you sound so much like dad."

"I'm sure John would've said the same thing too...no changing the subject young lady!"


"I know that he can transform into a furry four-legged animal, I know you're his mate, and I know you've kept him waiting. You've sent me hundreds of letters Tori, you've gotten yourself together and made yourself into a good woman, I'm proud of you, your father would be proud of you too." Jay patted my head before playing with my hair; he gave me an encouraging smile.

"He actually told you he was a mutant and you believed him?" my brows drew together as suspicion welled in my mind.

Jay chuckled before scratching his stubble "he came to me and told me how he felt about you, I'd respected that he came to me first like any gentleman would do but when he started saying weird shit like what your mother's husband had told her I nearly lost my cool. Then he decided to show me...Christ...I nearly lost my damn mind."

"He showed you?!" I stared wide eyed at my uncle, Jay had always been a practical guy, he needed hard proof but years in the navy had taught him to embrace what he came across but was he really okay with his shape shifting friend?

"Yeah, I trust Nixon ladybug, if I hadn't I wouldn't have told him to watch over you. Now stopping running away like some scaredy cat and woman up!" he nudged my side, urging me to go. Taking the hint I stood just as the front door swung open, Nixon exited, looking as he did two years ago. He hadn't aged at all.

"Are you leaving?" I asked.

He nodded, his smoldering eyes piercing mine.

"I'll come with you...Uncle tell Rose and Andy I'll call them later" approaching Nixon I took his hand and we walked down the path to his car. Without saying a word Nixon helped me in and then moved over to the driver's side, before the truck pulled away, I waved at Jay who was still sitting on the swing.


It hadn't taken us long to arrive at Nixon's home, he'd lived an hour away from my uncle in the country, I wasn't at all surprised to see that where he had lived was secluded. His nearest neighbors were a mile away.

"Are you okay?" I asked him when we crossed the threshold.

"Why wouldn't I be?" his voice sent shocks through my body, I unconsciously rubbed my arm where goosebumps had risen.

"Well you didn't say a word in the car and Jay told me what happened earlier today before you guys came home" it was hard to see his reaction as he moved around his kitchen, the place had suited him just fine, it had Nixon written all over it.

He came back to me, handing me a glass of wine before leading me to the backyard, I wasn't a fan of nature after Mark and his friends' town but I had to admit that Nixon's home was gorgeous; dim lights were scattered across the yard creating a sensual ambiance.

"I can handle myself against a former navy soldier little one. No need to worry" he smirked.

"But I do worry" I blurted.

Sitting on the handle of the chair Nixon watched me, I suddenly felt self-conscious; the way he watched me, like he was looking into my soul. I hated and loved it. My body heated with unquenchable desire to suddenly have him and I found myself moving toward him until I stood between his thighs.

My hand reached out touching his face, elelctricity ignited through my hand and traveled through my body causing me to gasp. The low rumble in his chest caused the heat to burn hotter and before I knew it, Nixon had my back against the house as he snarled in my neck. I moaned as I felt the bulge in his pants against my core. His lips found mine immediately, claiming them as he nipped and sucked, the stinging pain in on my lower lip had vanished as quickly as it came when Nixon slid his tongue across my bottom lip.

"You're more aware of me, little one." He panted as he rested his forehead against mine. I smiled at him stealing a kiss from his lips "isn't that a good thing?" I asked.

"Yes, but at the current moment it's not. You're body's delayed reaction to our coupling will be difficult to ignore. I want to do this the right way Tori."

Nodding, I understood what he was saying. As he allowed me my personal space, he ran his hands through his hair.

"I want us to start fresh, a clean slate." He stated, he held out his hand making me laugh but I took it anyway "I'm Nixon."

My eyes widened at the revelation, but I smiled wondering how he'd look in his form as the last memory of him as an animal was fuzzy. "I'm Victoria."

"Do you believe in fate Victoria?"

"I didn't" I mumbled.

"And now?" he urged raising his eyebrows.

"I guess I do."

"What if I told you that I am a werewolf and you are my soulmate?" he gauged my reaction, his body had tensed up.

"I'd tell you to prove it." I replied narrowing my eyes at him.

In the next few moments I had watched as Nixon took off every article of clothing before he stepped onto the lawn grass. I watched keenly as his bones snapped and realigned themselves, and me cringing with each sound. His hands grew into paws and his face into a muzzle, his body stretched and before long, the glowing amber eyes of a black wolf stared back at me. The large animal, which was once human, crept forward slowly. I blinked as Nixon approached me, it wasn't every day that you witnessed the man you were attracted to turn into an animal but I was not at all scared of him.

Instead I was intrigued, his fur shone against the light as he stood proudly in front of me. His mouth open and his tongue extended licking my hand. I smiled at the gesture, Rosette word's had echoed in my mind.

"Any were creature who accepts their mate will lick the hand of their partner as a sign of acceptance."

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