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I was seething.

Here I was sitting in the guidance counselor's office getting interrogated about my appearance and choice of company. I honestly didn't think a teacher let alone the woman adjacent to me would call me out. She had heard rumors about me floating around and became incredibly worried about my reputation.

"Now Victoria, I'm not telling you who to choose as your friends, but as a young woman, you should be...cautious...in whom you associate yourself with."

"You don't have to worry Mrs. Deane, I actually haven't had any friends since I got here" I replied truthfully.

"What?" the woman replied, mouth agape, "but you've talked to Jessica and Marissa...I've seen you!"

"Just because we exchange hello's doesn't make us friends" I replied.

She stared at me for a while trying to guess if what I was saying was the truth, I had no reason to lie. I didn't mind that I was alone here on the campus, I liked my space, girls were dramatic creatures that had a knack for theatrics. College guys were practically just the hump and dump type, I was respected the casual thing but when guys got into groups I find that it quickly turned into a pissing contest. My life was already a soap opera at the moment; I did not need any further complications.

"Alright, Miss Hartley, I will take your word for it. You're a bright girl, I'm sure you wouldn't want anything to jeopardize your place here."

"Of course not, can I go now?"

When she nodded, I flew out of her office like a bat out of hell; even though I partied and drank I had still managed to do my school work, school would forever be a solid distraction in this moment.

Stopping in the middle of the empty corridor I turned, narrowing my eyes I was irritated, "you wanna tell me why you're following me?" I growled. I felt their presence since before I was in Dean's office, whoever they were, was becoming unnecessarily annoying.

The person stepped from behind a column, eyes wide as they watched me "you sensed me?"

Ignoring their question I scowled "why the hell have you been following me all day?"

As he opened his mouth to say something my phone rang, pulling it from my pocket, Nixon's name was large on my screen.

"Hello" I answered.

"I'm waiting outside."

"I told you stop coming to get me what's wrong with you?"

"Hurry up little one."

The phone went dead; I glared at the device wanting to throw it at the wall. Looking back at my stalker I saw they were grinning.

"Nixon's never been a patient one." He chuckled, "see you around Victoria."

Turning I sped down the hall and out the entrance, seeing Nixon's truck I marched toward it, I could see the amused look on his face as he watched me approach.

"Well, someone's eager to see me" he grinned.

I yanked the door open and got in, "you had me followed?!"

"You just realized?"

"What the f-" his lips captured mine before I could say another word, momentarily stunned I forgot my anger.

"Now, now sweets, I've warned you about that potty mouth of yours, don't make me resort to alternative methods."

I scoffed, "and have me kick your ass? I'd like to see you try."

The grin on his face grew "don't tempt me, baby." I scowled at him; he's been doing this for two weeks since he saved me. Showing up at Jay's house unannounced, forcing me to eat, driving me to and from school, checking that I've actually finished my homework he's basically been like an overbearing father and let me say it's not something I enjoyed.

"How about we go out for dinner tonight?" Nixon asked as he glanced at me.

"Whatever's fine" I murmured as I rest my head in my hands and turned my eyes toward the window.

It was uncomfortable the way he'd shown up and taken control, but oddly enough I didn't feel lonely when he was around, he filled the void I wanted to clog since that dreadful day at the airport all those months ago. The nagging feeling in my stomach wouldn't let me settle though; I wondered just how long he would be here to fill the void.

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