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"You've come a long way Victoria, you've made tremendous progress. Are you proud of yourself?" Dr. Francesca Myers sat opposite me in her royal blue dress and specs sitting on her face. She's been my therapist for two years now; she's helped me through my grief and anger and helped me to move forward. At the moment we were coming to the end of another session.

"I can honestly say I am. I think that my dad would be proud of who I've become." I couldn't help the smile that crept on my face when I had thought of my father. When I had first started with Dr. Myers I had still hated him, and she had let me know that it was okay to hate him, to hate the fact that he left me alone.

"He'd be honored to have you as a daughter...have you given any thought about what we had spoken about before?" she questioned, her gray eyes regarded me coolly. Francesca had suggested I contact my mother and restart our relationship from scratch. At first I was completely against the entire idea, I was still mad at her for choosing her husband and his people over her child; I wanted her to be right there beside me, holding onto dad just like I was. But she too had left me alone, she hadn't come after me, called, written or anything, she just let me go. It made me feel like she had abandoned me although I was the one to walk through the door.

"I've thought about it, but as of right now, I don't think I could face her. I'm not angry at her or at Mark anymore but..."

"But?" Francesca encouraged.

"But I want to better myself further before I go to her. I don't know if we could ever be a family again but I want to see to her, even if it's just one more time to apologize for what I had said in the past."

"A mother's love knows no bounds Victoria, just like you are, I'm sure your mother is longing to see you again."

I hoped so.

The bell for the end of the session chimed, and after thanking Francesca, I made my way out of her office. In these two years I had done some reconstruction of my life while working through my loss. The partying, the drinking, the smoking, I had put a stop to it all and focused on my school work and getting myself back to full health.

There were some people who weren't exactly happy about being dropped from my radar but I didn't care about their opinions, what I was doing was for myself and I'd always come before anyone else.

I managed to make some friends Rosette and Andre, they were both polar opposites, Rosette being rambunctious and sassy while Andre was calm and mellow, they each balanced out each other well and complimented my life perfectly. But I knew Rosette was different, I had almost killed her once when I caught her levitating six feet in the air, I had thought she was a voodoo priestess cursing my uncle's home, I wasn't at all far off my target at all in what I had referred her to.

She had informed me that I had what people would call a sixth sense, being able to sense when the supernatural was near. I hadn't really paid attention to what she had said but as the two years went by I had ran into more and more bizarre people that altered my thinking. The more people I had met the more I felt bad for calling my mother and Mark crazy, if I hadn't seen these circumstances with my own eyes I would probably still be calling them insane.

The ringing of my phone drew my concentration from the road, after commanding the phone to answer Rosette's cheery voice came through my speakers "hey boo! Are you finished with your session?"

"Yeah, I'm heading back to the house now."

"How'd it go?"

"Good, Dr. Myers says I've come far, we talked about my mother again."

"Have you made your decision regarding her yet?" I had confided in both Rosette and Andre as I trusted them both, Rosette knew the explicit version, while I left out the supernatural part with Andy, I had come to learn that humans were never to know of the hidden world around us unless we were trusted assets. Andy had soon found out about the hidden world when Rosette had saved him from almost getting crushed under a construction site. It was the first time I had seen Andre lose his composure, he had been mad at both Rose and I for keeping things from him but he had understood the circumstances afterward.

"I'll hold off on rekindling with her for now, I'm still not ready."

"No rush Tori, Andy and I are here to support you; we got your back babe."

"Thanks Rose."

"Now hurry up and get your butt home, Andy and I will meet you there, drive safe!" the phone went dead after.

It didn't take long for me to pull into the driveway of my home, killing the engine; I took the keys from the ignition before jumping out of the truck and heading inside. Andy's red Ducati was parked next to the truck, knowing that he had already let himself in; I turned the knob on the door and stepped inside.

The sound of popping was heard before colorful strings floated across my vision.

"Happy Birthday!" Rose and Andy beamed.

My face was split with a grin as I looked at them, "thank you" I giggled as I brushed the confetti from my hair. I pulled them both into a hug before kissing their cheeks, "everything looks nice...and smells nice!" I beamed as the scent of food wafted in the air.

The sound of a car horn caused us to part, Rose squealed before she peaked outside. She turned back to me before taking my hands in hers "you're gift has just arrived."

"Tell me you did not order me a stripper" I groaned remembering my last birthday.

Andy shifted uncomfortably next to me before he glared at Rose "Magic Mike better not show up here again Rosette" he said sharply causing Rose to scowl at him.

"I did not order a stripper! This time it's something better."

She opened the door leading me out, before stepping out of the way to allow me to see my gift. I froze mid stride as I saw him walking toward me in uniform, his skin was darken with a tan and the extra fat that he had when he was here recovering had turned to muscle. I had written him letters, after lying to him guilt was eating me alive and I wrote him telling him everything I had done, I had expected him to write me back telling me to leave his house but he had already known due to his contact with the one standing behind him.

My feet had moved quicker than they did in two years when I dashed down the driveway and into Jay's arms. I held him tightly, overcome with joy that he was standing before me; tears that hadn't been shed in two years had suddenly burst from my eyes as my uncle wrapped his arms around me.


Jay's back and he's arrived with Nixon! Our girl has seen the supernatural world with her own eyes now and she's even accepted it, giving that her own best friend happens to be a gifted being. Victoria has grown emotionally in the span of two years with the support of those around her and a therapist but she still has some doubts, we'll see if her fears hold her back in the chapter to come.

Question for you lovelies: What would you do, if you came home to find your best friend levitating in the air?

Quote of the day: When life changes to be harder, change yourself to be stronger. What hurts you today, makes you stronger tomorrow. 💓

Thanks for reading! See you next time. 💋

- xoxo T

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