Chapter 2

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Hailey's POV:

I didn't get so much sleep last night and it was pretty close that scenario from yesterday didn't recur.

Our new neighbor, Justin and pictures of him were disturbed my sleep and made me startle awake almost every hour. His beautiful smile and the way he called me good-looking made my stomach full of butterflies.

I had went to bed almost right away when I came back home. I had walked to my room, there to my own bathroom, brushed my teeth and wasted my makeup off like usually. I thought how ugly I looked without it even mom and all my friends had called me as a natural beauty, they didn't know what they were talking about.

So I stood up from my bed and walked to kitchen make some breakfast. I took a box of cornflakes and bottle of milk out of the cabinet and moved with them to the table. Of course I needed some bowl too so I went grab one for me before I poured it full of my favorite cornflakes and then some milk over them.

I heard footstep coming from upstairs and soon I noticed familiar faces who looked me suprised. "Wow, this is new that you're up before me. Let me mark that somewhere" he joked but it made me just roll my eyes.

"Yeah, right. You should be at work already" I mumbled while walking over the sink table and put my empty bowl there. "I have a free day, sis" he told and messed up my hair playfully. I gave him another glare before I pushed him off. I was able to hear his soft chuckle when I walked back to my room get some clothes.

I grabbed my light ripped jeans and a grey t-shirt with text Queen👑 It was one of my favorite shirts and you could see it when there were a few spots where you was almost able to see my bra through it. However I wasn't ready to put it away yet.

Clock ran and like always nowadays, it was pretty close to me that I didn't miss the first class. I rushed to history class and sat on my own place just seconds before our teacher Mr. Rower walked in. "Good morning, class" he greeted but barely none answered back him. "I have a good news for you. Do you know what they could be?" he smiled evilly and students looked each others unsure because that look didn't mean nothing but.. "Yes, a random sample"

I was pretty confident about it when that empty paper appeared in front of me and Mr. Rower wrote the question on the board.

Tell about World War II and its consequences

I finished writing and gave my paper back to my teacher with a big smile on my face. "Well, look at you Ms. Dean. At least someone has read her homework" Mr. Rower smiled back and nodded accepting.

History had always been easy to me but I might be those few students which could say that. Sometimes it sucked when I had to spent time at our library, teaching my classmates when teacher had told me to do so, but most of the time it was fine.

The bell rang and it was time to move the next class which was math. I sat in the last row where my seat was and grabbed my phone from my pocket to check my messages. "What's up, hoe? Who are you texting? Don't say that it's that Marcus guy again. I told you to stay away fr-" "No, I'm just checking my messages because mom promised sent me one if I have to go pick up Benjamin from school today" I interrupted my best friend Charlotte.

"Is it his time to come your place this weekend?" she asked and I nodded while pushing my phone back to my pocket when our teacher walked in the class. "Morning, class. Today we'll go straight to the topic of the day. Open your books from pages 143 and 144 and do exercises 234-243" Mrs. Green said with her high voice.

I hated math, I hated it so much because I didn't get it at all. I have ever did. I took my pen and tried the first one but in the end that page of my notebook got in the bin. I sighed and let my face fell against the cold table before our teacher came over us and told me to continue my working.

"But I don't know how to do these" I whimpered but she didn't hear me anymore when she had already moved over the next students.

Time grovelled slowly. I stared the clock and waited just that it could be 12PM and a lunch time. My books laid open but nobody touched them, I had given up with those exercises. Finally after about 20 minutes the bell rang again and sigh of relief cane out of my mouth. Finally


After our lunch there were still three hours left, one French and two biology classes before the final bell rang and it was time to go home.

We walked together at home with Charlotte since we lived pretty close each others, just a couple blocks separed us each others. Colorful leaves covered the pathway which we walked along and I had to stop take photos for few minutes. Everything looked just so beautiful around us. Autumn was my favorite season.

We passed our new neighbor's house. While we walked there I saw him raking some leaves there. And for my bad luck of course he noticed me, or us. "Hello, ladies!" he yelled us and wawed his hand.

"Who's that?" Charlotte asked and winked over me. "Our new neighbor. He moved here like yesterday and he's already getting on my nerves" I rolled my eyes to her when we stopped in front of my home. "What's his name?" "Justin or something like that. I don't remember. Mom brought him a welcoming basket yesterday so I might hear wrong when ahe talked about him" I lied and hoped that she couldn't notice it.

"You're so lucky bitch" she pushed me on my shoulder and looked behind her over Justin's yard. "I would give my all money to get that kind of view to see every day" she bit her lip and made me giggle. "Okay, deal. How much you have?" I teased. "90$" she said laughing. We talked still a while before she continued walking at home. "See you tomorrow, bestie" she yelled. "See you, Charlotte"

I took my keys out of my pocket and opened a front door. However before I stepped in I turned my head to look our neighbor. Charlotte was right, many girls would pay for getting that kind of view every day but I had got thst honor. And on top of that, for free

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