Confession Time

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Thanks to all who voted :) Enjoy :P


Avery sent me outside, and I knew what was up. She was going to have a baby. My heart fell as I walked out into the hall, and shut the door. Avery was a mother, and I'm not the father.

Makes you want to cry doesn't it?

As I took a seat on the wooden bench outside of the room I thought about how my life turned from living hell, to something amazing, and then back to living hell. Then a thought came into mind..

It all started with a lie.

If I hadn't had stopped the lies that were being spread about Avery and I dating when Avery moved down her, I wouldn't be here, Avery wouldn't be pregnate.

It's all my fault.

As I put my head in my hands, I heard light taps of feet passing by me, and looked up to see Mom standing there, arms crossed.

"Thanks for waking me son." she said in an annoyed tone. "Is Avery okay?" I nodded my head, and put my head back in my hands. Mom sat next to me, wrapping an arm around my body. "Then whats wrong?"

"She's going to have a baby..." I whispered. Mom gasped, and I knew the first thing that she thought of when I said that. "And it's not mine."

"What?" Mom asked, still shocked.

"The guy who beat her up...raped her." I could barely get the word out without choking. Mom placed her head on my arm, and rubbed my back for comfort.

"I'm sorry.." she whispered. "Why are you out here?"

"I don't think she wants me in there when the doctor tells her." I told her. "The doctor came by me and said 'congradulations' before Avery woke up." Mom nodded her head, and continued to rub my back.

"It'll be okay.." she whispered. As she did, the door infront of me opened, and the doctor exited.

"You may go in." he said as he entered the room next to Avery's. I nodded, and stood to my feet. Mom stood with me, and we both entered together. Avery sat on the bed, her head leaned back, eyes closed.

Mom walked up next to her, and touched her shoulder. Avery's eyes fluttered opened, and she looked over. "Miss. Bieber." she breathed, wrapping her arms around my mom. Mom smiled, and wrapped her's around Avery's body.

"Hey Avery." Mom said, pulling back. "How are you feeling?"

"Better." Avery said, and looked over at me. "You look worse than me." she looked at me up and down, and I shrugged.

"I've been worried sick." I told her. I pulled a seat next to her bed, and took her hand in mine. She intertwined our fingers, and I kissed the top of her hand.

"Are you hungry?" Mom asked, standing. "Cause I'm starved. I'm going to go get something to eat, and let you two talk." Avery nodded, biting her bottom lip. Mom left, and the room fell silent. Thats when I decided to tell Avery about me lieing to everyone about us dating before we were actually together.

It didn't seem that big anyways.

"Avery." I spoke, and she looked at me.

"Yes?" she responded.

"Theres something I want you to know." I said. "About when you first moved here." She nodded, telling me silently to continue. "I started the rumors about us dating."

"What?" Avery asked, confused.

"Those rumors, around your first day of school, about us dating.." I said. "I started those." Avery seemed more mad than confused.

"Why?" she asked.

"I couldn't take being bullied." I told her. "When everyone saw us together, it looked like we were dating, so everyone laied off on me. I mean, I didn't start them, but I kind of...added gasoline to the fire, if you know what I'm saying." I gave her a small smile, but she shook her head. 

"Why would you do something like that?" she asked. I shrugged, and looked down at my feet.

"I'm sorry.." I apologized. Avery didn't say anything, and I looked up to see her looking out the window that was next to her bed. "Avery?"

"I forgive you." she said, looking at me. "But don't do it again, got me?" she asked. I nodded my head quickly.

"I promise." I said. " there something you need to tell me?" I asked. She sighed, and nodded.

"I'm sure you'll be grateful." she said, smiling.

"Well go on.." I told her, a fake smile spreading acorss my face. No, I'm not happy that Avery's going to be giving birth to a child that isn't even mine, but that doesn't mean I can't stop loving her as much as I do.

"I'm not pregnate." she said, her smile widening.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"I'm not going to have a baby.." she said. "My test came up negative.." A wave of releif flew over me, and I suddenly felt like dancing. "Well?" Avery said. "Are you going to say anything?"

"I'm so happy." I said, standing up, and pressing my lips against hers. Pulling back, I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

"Okay." she said, laughing.

"Avery?" The doctor said, popping his head in. "You are free to go." Avery nodded, and a nurse came in to unhook her from her I.V's, and gave her some clothes to change into.

"I'll wait for you in the waiting room." I told her. She nodded, and I went to the cafeteria to get Mom. Both Mom and I waited in the waiting room, and Avery walked up to us. We got into my Mom's van, and drove back to my house.

"Avery." Mom spoke. "Your mom is out of town." Avery gave Mom a confused look.

"Why?" she asked.

"Wouldn't tell me." she said. "But I'm allowing Justin to stay with you at your house for the night while your mom's away, unless you want to sleep on our small couch."

"That's fine." Avery said, smiling. Mom nodded, and when we got out at my house, Avery and I walked to her house. She opened the front door, and allowed me in. She closed the door, and locked it.

"Well." she said, turning to look at me. I smiled at her, and snaked a arm around her waist, pulling her close.

"I'm so glad your okay." I said before pressing my lips to hers. She smiled, and wrapped her arms around my neck, tangling her hands in my hair. I pulled her closer, and she wrapped her arms around my waist.

I carried her up into her room, and shut the door with my foot. I pressed her back onto her bed, and she smiled, pulling back.

"Justin.." she whispered as I moved down to her neck, placing small, soft kisses up and down her coller bone.

"Mmmmhmm..." I murmered.

"Why were you so happy when I told you I wasn't having a baby?" she asked. I stopped kissing her neck, and looked into her dark brown eyes, smiling.

"Cause it wasn't mine.." I told her. She gave me a small smile, and pulled my face down to hers, pressing her lips hungrily to mine. I kissed back, deepening it. Her hands moved down my chest, and to the end of my shirt, slowly pulling it up, revealing the skin underneth. I pulled back, and she took the shirt completely off.

"Are you sure?" I whispered, knowing where she was headed. She gave me the same smile, and nodded her head. I nodded my head also, and pressed my lips once again to hers.

One thing led to another...

((Sex Scene! Let Your Imagination Run Wild!))

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