What If...

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"Ugh, look who comes this way." a cheerleader whispers, as if I couldn't hear her. Everyone watches me walk in through the class doors, watch me take my seat. I sigh and pull out my textbook as a shield from the words being thrown at me from all around the room.

"Watch this." someone whispers behind me. I look up from the textbook just as a rubber band is  poped across the room, hitting my cheek, leaving a stinging burn. I flintch from the pain as laughter fills the room. I bent down, pick up the rubber band, and throw it back across the room, my lousy attempt to fight back from the person who popped it.

I sit back in my seat as the teacher enters the room.

"Alright class." the teacher says. "Everyone get out your books, and get ready for the test."

Everyone groans.

"Thanks Bieber." Someone from the back spits at me. I turn, and shoot the person a confused look.

"How is this my fault?" I ask.

"Your the nerd with your book open! She saw it, and remembered about the test."

Someone grumbles some choice words in my direction, and I begin to sink lower in my seat, wishing silently I could just vanish from this spot.

As if my life wasn't already living hell.

After school, for fun, the football players decide to chase me home.  I fly past Ryan and Chaz. They throw me no compassion, or pitty. They merely move out of the way, and watch as I'm chased down the sidewalk, a crowd of sweaty, smelly football players right at my heels.

I've seen this in movies. I never did believe that it would actually happen. I thought people had actually grown up, and stop being so childish as to chase a kid home, but obviously it happens everyday.

To me.

"See you tomorrow, Bieber!" one player yells as they gave up on their attempt to chase me all the way home. They had better things to do, like rub up on the cheerleaders butts, or show off to them as they practice after school.

Once home, I walk into the house, tossing my bag in a kitchen chair, and I reach into the fridge for something to drink.

"Hey sweetie." my mom greets, walking in and giving me a hug from behind.

"Hey." I reply dully.

"Your still mad because I turned down that Scooter guys offer?" she asks.

"No." I say. "I'm mad cause you said yes the first time, and right after I told everyone in school I would be meeting a producer, you decided to change your mind."

Mom frowns. "I'm sorry, Justin." she walks over to me. "It just didn't feel right. And you see how those popstars get. They become all...stuck up and spoiled."

"Who said I was going to be like that?" I argue.

My mom shook her head. "I'm sorry."

"As if I need your pitty." I spit at her. I swallow my bottle of water in one gulp, and toss the empty container into the trash bin. I pick up my backpack, and head for my room, Mom following close behind me.

"Justin?" My mom says. "Can't we just talk about it?"

"You obviously have no idea what crap I'm going through right now." I say. "Words, and talking about it won't help" I end the conversation by slamming my bedroom door in her face, and locking it from the inside.

I throw my backpack towards the wall in anger. My hands clamp into fists. Alls I wanted to do was let out my anger somehow. I've punched many holes in the wall, they all aline the walls next to my bed. After a few days of doing that, I quit, realizing all it does is send me to the doctor because of cracked knuckles. Plus, it completely ruiens my walls.

I jump onto my bed, curling up into a ball, tucking my knee's against my chest. I turn my back to the door, my eyes starring at the hole that was nearest my head.

As if words would ever help me....

Okay, new story yes :) I figured I'd go ahead and tell u bout it. IS NOT the sequel to Baby NOO, obviously. I still need help on a title, so if u would like to help, PM me and I'll tell u da plot and all that :) kay? Thanks :P

Tell me wat u think of this story though. If its horrible, if I need to stop putting up new stories cause I'm so slow on updating other stories (I cant help with the good ideas I get out of the blue!! but hey, if u need a story idea, I'm your gal!! :D ) Your words wont hurt my feelings!! So be honest. I'd rather u be honest and tell me how horrible it is then lie to me just to make me happy. :) thanks bye :P

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