Living The Lie

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-Few Weeks Later...-


"Hey Bieber." Avery called as she walked up behind me. I stopped, allowing her to catch up with me. "Where you going on this ice cold Saturday morning?"

"A walk." I answered. "Wanna join?"

"Haven't I already?" Avery asked, smiling. I rolled my eyes, and tucked my hands in my pockets. Avery sighed, her breath becoming visible infront of her face. She laughed. 

"Look!" she said suddenly "I'm a dragon!" she sucked in a deep breath, and let it out. I laughed.

"'And you call me goofy." I said. Avery shrugged, and fixed her gloves on her hands.

"It's cold." she complained.

"Want a jacket?" I asked.

"I have one." Avery said, pulling at the coller of her own coat. "No need to give me yours."

"I could." I said. "I'm a full blooded Canadian. I've lived in this weather for sixteen years. I'm used to it."

Avery rolled her eyes. "Show off."

"Jealous?" I asked.

"Maybe." Avery said, smirking. I laughed, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as we continued our walk.

"Woah there." she said, taking my arm off of her shoulders. "Wouldn't want anyone thinking we're dating."

I rolled my eyes, dropping my arm from her shoulders. Yea, she's heard of them. Of course, me being the prideful one, I told her not to worry about it. That telling people the truth in the lie would only cause more lies to sprout up.

So, for the past few weeks, the rumors of us dating are still spreading around school, and I haven't been shoved into a trash can yet. Avery's kept her mouth closed, and resumes her life as usual. Me? I just nod my head, and am always around Avery during school hours.

I know, it sounds like I'm a dirty person, but this might be the only chance I have to not being murdered during school hours. My mom's even seen me happier since Avery's moved next door, not to mention Ryan and Chaz are sort of talking to me. Not that I talk back, least their actually talking to me.

"Don't you agree?" Avery asked. I looked down at her as she smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"You weren't listening were you?" Avery asked.

"Of course." I said, laughing.

"What did I say?" Avery asked.

I hesitated before answering: "Don't you agree?"

"Eeerrr!" Avery yelled, sounding like a buzzer that goes off on those game shows when you get the answer to a riddle wrong. "Incorrect. You fail."

"Fine." I confessed. "I wasn't listening."

"Ah-ha!" Avery said. "You were lost in your own little world while I was talking to you!" I rolled my eyes.

"What was going on in that thick skull of yours?" she asked, tapping my head. "Were you thinking of ways to end world hunger?"

"No." I said, laughing. "There is no way for me to end world hunger. The world is too big for my pathetic food to offer."

"Your mom cooks pretty good." Avery corrected. "And your grandma."

"I'll be sure to tell them that." I said, smiling.

"Good." Avery said, and sighed. "So what were you thinking?"

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