Avery's Results

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-Couple of Weeks Later-


"I hope you feel better." Justin said to me before he left to go to school. I had been feeling sick for a while, and decided it was time I checked out with the doctor. "Text me and tell me what the doctor says, okay?"

"What if your in class?" I asked.

"So?" Justin said, shrugging. "If your worried about me being in class, I'll skip and take you to the doctor myself." I rolled my eyes and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.

"No need." I told him. "Go to school. You need the education." Justin smirked, and pulled me close to him.

"Love you." he whispered in my ear. I smiled, and pressed my face into his chest, mumbling an 'I love you' back, but it came back as muffles. Justin chuckled, and stepped back. I looked at him, and smiled. He returned the smile, then walked out of the front door, shutting it lightly behind him.

I sighed, crossing my arms across my chest, walking into the kitchen. I watched Justin's car pull out of the driveway, and drive in the direction towards school. I picked up a granola bar, and nibbled on the top of it. My stomach lurched forward, and I put the grandola bar on the table.

I looked at the clock sitting on the wall, and sighed again. "I'm going early." I said, feeling sick to my stomach again. I picked up my car keys, and my bag walking out the door. Mom pulled into the driveway, and opened the passenger door for me to her car.

"What are you doing home?" I asked.

"I figured you'd be too sick to drive." she said. "And I knew you'd send Justin on to school, so I decided to get off work, and take you myself." I rolled my eyes, but slipped my car keys into my purse, and got into the passenger seat of Mom's van. She shut the door, and walked around to the driver side.

"Have you eaten anything yet?" Mom asked as she pulled out of the driveway, and toward the doctors office.

"Nibbled on a granola bar, but felt sick to my stomach after taking the first bite." I answered, frowning. "Do I have a eating problem?"

Mom rolled her eyes. "No, you must have the stomach flu or something." I sighed, looking out the window.


"Justin." Miss. Rice said. "Will you please stop with the feet movements. Sit still." I nodded, and stopped tapping my foot on the floor. People around me shot me annoyed looks, but I ignored them. My eyes continued to gaze over to the clock, only to find it had only past one minute since the last time I looked.

Frowning, I began to tap the eraser of my pencil onto the desk.


I put my pencil down, and put my head on my desk. I heard the light tapping of Miss. Rice's heels hitting the tile floor as she walked towards my desk. I looked up as she tapped my shoulder, and she held a peice of pink paper infront of my eyes.

"Sign it and see me after class." she told me, and i took the pink slip out of her hand. She wrote down that I was a 'disruption to the class' and that I was being 'insabordinant.' I rolled my eyes, and signed my name where I was supposed to.

'Today's going to drag on forever...'


"Justin, come here please." Miss. Rice said as she bell rang for first period to end. Classmates piled out of the room, happy that they were done with this class for the day. I walked slowly up to Miss. Rice's desk, and placed the pink slip ontop of the stack of test papers. "What's up?"

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