New Year, New Problems.

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  • Dedicated to All My Loving Fans Who Voted!


Avery wore her new ring proudly as we walked into the crowded of halls on our first day back from Christmas break. She showed it off to her new friends, and they all said how pretty it was. One seemed jealous to me, but Avery didn't see it.

"I'll see you after class okay?" Avery said as we seperated our ways. She walked towards the gym, and I walked towards math. I frowned as I walked, alone, to class. I passed by Ryan and Chaz, and gave them a small smile.

"You talking to us again?" Ryan asked.

"No." I replied, and continued my walk down the hall. It seemed like forever since the last time I've been pounded against the walls by football players.

I walked into math, and took a seat. Someone whispered to her neighbor. I looked at them, and they shot me a weird look.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you really ask Avery to marry you?" she asked. I turned around in my seat to fully face them.

"What?" I repeated.

"Did you," the girl repeated, slowly. "Ask Avery to marry you. For Christmas? She's wearing a new ring, and is telling everyone it's from you."

"No." I replied. "It's not a marrage ring. I'm seventeen for God's sake." The girl shrugged.

"My mom was eighteen before she was married." she said. "So what?"

"Well my mom was eighteen when she had me." I replied. The girl's eyes grew wide, and she gasped.

"Avery's pregnate?!" she half yelled. The room fell silent, and I felt everyone's eyes boaring into my backside.

"No." I replied. "Why would you say something like that?" The bell rang, preventing the girl from saying anything. I turned around in my seat, and saw everyone looking away from me. I opened my notebook, and sighed.

What have I done now...


Ever since second period, I've been getting odd looks from everyone I see. I wouldn't see Justin until lunch, so I have to wait three more periods before seeing him. Maybe he knows why everyone's giving me odd looks.

By fourth period, I was fed up with it. I tapped on the person next to me's shoulder, and he turned his head.

"What?" he cut.

"Sorry to distract you from your nap." I snapped. "But why is everyone giving me a funny look?"

"Maybe it's your face." the guy muttered, but cleared his voice before giving me an actual answer, to cover up his 'burn'. "I don't know. Maybe its the face that Justin asked you to marry him because your pregnate with his child."

"What?" I said, almost yelling. The teacher looked over at me, and I burried my face into my math book. I pretended to do my work until she looked away from me. When she did, I tapped on the guy's shoulder again.

"Why is everyone saying that?" I whispered. He shrugged.

"I only overheard some guys conversation in the locker room." he said. "Your not..really pregnate are you?"

"No." I said. "I'm still a virgin." The guy nodded, and started on his work. I looked down at the math book infront of me, but was unable to concentrate on my work.

Why is everyone saying I'm pregnate with Justin's child! Is it because of the ring? It does look like a wedding ring..but it's not even on the ring finger! I lifted my hand, and layed it over my peice of notebook paper, examining the ring on my middle finger.

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