Missing: Avery

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The final chapter of What If!

I woke up the next morning, my stomach flipping upside-down. I quickly and quietly made my bed, got dressed, wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a pair of tennis shoes, and a large t-shirt. I quickly ran a brush through my straightened hair, and sighed.

Today's the day...I thought as I quickly grabbed the note I wrote the other night, and walked downstairs, slipping my backpack straps onto my shoulders.

Mom lay in her room, door wide open, fast asleep. Her snores echoed through the empty house. I stood infront of the front door for a few minutes, looking around the living room, and into the kitchen. I bit my lip, and reached for my cell phone, slipping it into my pocket, and exiting the house.

I tossed my backpack into the back seat of my mom's gray SUV. I slammed the back door, and looked over into Justin's yard. There was no movement behind his closed curtains on his front windows, so I knew they were all still asleep. I looked down at the note in my hand, and frowned.

I walked towards his front yard, and onto his front porch. I sat the note ontop of the door knob. I heard the shuffling of feet behind the door, and I quickly ran back into my own yard, and got into the car. I started the engine quickly, and pulled out of the driveway, and down the road.

Out of my rear-view mirror, I saw Justin standing on his front porch, watching me drive off, my note in his hand.


When I woke up the next morning, I knew I had to talk to Avery, whether her mom approved or not. The baby belongs to Avery and me, not her mom. It's Avery's choice whether or not to allow me in the childs life.

And for as far as I know, Avery wants me in the child's life.

I walked into the living room, and saw a shadow out on the front porch. I saw the doorknob jiggle alittle, and my first thought was it was a robber. I looked through the peep-hole, but there was no one. I opened the door, and looked out. A peice of folded paper landed on my foot, my name written in neat letters on the front. I bent down, picking up the note, and when I looked at Avery's house, I saw her mothers SUV driving away.

I could see Avery sitting on the inside, and I frowned.

Guess her mom's taking her somewhere to stay for the rest of her life. Away from me. I looked down at the note in my hands, and walked back inside.

Mom was standing in the middle of the living room, a nervous expression on her face.

"Who's that from?" she asked.

"I don't know." I answer. "I just saw someone outside, but when I looked I didn't see anyone. I only saw Avery and her mom driving away from their house." My frown deepened as my heart fell deeper in my chest.

"Well, open it and see who it's from." Mom said. I nodded, sitting on the couch as I un-folded the sheet of notebook paper to reveal a full-page note.

By the handwritting, I knew it was from Avery.

Dear Justin,

My mom wants me to get an abortion. I'm not going to let her do that to me. Not to my baby...

But you need to know something...the baby...isn't yours. I lied, because you were so sure it was yours! And I remember you saying something about how you'd hate it if the baby wasn't yours...well it isn't. It's Blake's. He raped me, and...well...you know what happens.

I didn't want to see the look on your face when I told you this. I guess you can call me a baby, or a chicken. I'm not worth your love, Justin. You deserve someone else. Someone who doesn't lie to you. Who doesn't have a freak-of-nature mother, who goes off on you the minute something goes wrong, like a teenage pregnancy.

You deserve to live, happy. With someone who makes you happy. You need to get over me, and a way for you to do so, is for me to be out of your life completely.

I'm running away. You will never see me, ever again. Don't try to find me, because it will be nearly impossible. I'm in a car, and I will make sure it's impossible to find me. I'm keeping the baby. Maybe in the near future, I'll send you a picture of him (or her).

Keep posting video's on YouTube. Maybe one day your mom will change her mind about you going to go see that Scooter guy. Become famous :) I'm sure you'll be a great popstar.

I understand if after reading this, you don't love me. But, I do love you. Very much, with all my heart. I swear on everything and anything there is to swear on. You are my life, but I feel you need a better girlfriend. One who doesn't lie...one who makes you happier than I did.

I love you. And you will never see me again.


"Who was it from?" Mom's voice asked, breaking me of my reading. I looked up, tears spilling down my face.

"It's from Avery..." I said, my voice raspy. "She's running away..."


"Here's the keys." I told the man. He nodded his head, and exchanged his car keys for mine. "Pleasure doing business with you." The man nodded, and I jumped into my brand new car.

I rolled the windows up, and pulled out into the road, and towards the airport. My mind wandered about what Justin was doing now that he had read my note.

He's probably already thrown it away, angry with me because I lied. I thought. Probably not even looking for me.

"Good." I said aloud. "Don't look for me. Look for a better future.." I pulled over into the lane that traveled to the airport.

"A future without me."

The End...For Now...

Be on the look-out for the sequel to What If Finding Her (I know, real original right?) It'll be up soon :P Thanks for all the votes and comments about this story! Hope u post as many on the sequel! :D:D:D

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