Confession Time

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Keeping my promise Loveblebieber! :D


Avery followed quickly behind me as I lead her down a small trail in the woods that lead to my backyard. Ryan, Chaz and I would always take this route so we could get to my place in time to play video games, and watch South Park on Friday nights.

"Justin." Avery whispered as if we were hiding from someone. "Are you sure this is the quickest way to get back to your house?"

"I'm positive." I answered, looking over my shoulder. Avery gave me a soft smile, and I returned it. After a few minutes of just the sound of our shoes crunching on leaves and twigs, I heard a thump behind me.

"Wait!" Avery yelled as I spun around to see what happened. Avery layed on the ground, her boot caught under a tree root. "My ankel."

"Hang on." I said, walking over to where she lay. I gently pushed her foot out, and she sighed.

"Thanks." she said, and stood up.

"Can you walk?" I asked.

"Me?" she asked, and tried to walk over to where I stood. As she applied pressure to the hurt ankel, her eyes went wide, and she shifted her weight to the other leg instantly. I crossed my arms across my chest, and raised one eyebrow, a trick I learned off of Youtube. 

"Your limping." I said. Avery frowned, and stood there, most of her weight still on her good foot. "Here, let me carry you." I walked over to where she stood, and she took a few steps back when I tried to slip my arms behind her knees.

"No." she said quickly. "I can walk."

"Your going to hurt yourself more, Avery." I said.

"No," Avery said again.

"Why?" I asked. "I'm not going to drop you."

Avery looked down at her boots. "I'm too heavy." she said quietly. I let out a loud laugh.

"Your not going to be heavy." I said. Avery shook her head no. I sighed, and walked over to her, scooping her in my arms. She gasped, and tied her arms around my neck.

"See?" I said. "Light as a feather." She looked at me in the eyes, and a small smile appeared on her face.

"Now." I said as I walked forward. "Lets get you home so you can eat. And get some meat on these bones." Avery giggled, and I smiled.

                                       *                                    *                                  *                                   *

Halfway through the woods, I stopped at a cross road. I looked both ways. I knew the correct road to take, but I went down the other way.

"You sure we're going the right way?" Avery asked. "You seemed undetermined up at that cross road."

"I know exactly where we are going" I said with a confident smile. Avery nodded, and looked ahead. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye, and sucked in a deep breath of air as my heart sped up a bit.

Avery looked over at me, her eyes shinning like the setting sun in the distance. I quickly looked ahead of me, and Avery did the same.

After a few minutes of walking, I could see a small clearing ahead. Avery rested her head on my shoulder, and I looked over at her.

"Sorry." she said, lifting her head up.

"It's okay." I said, and she put her head back. I smiled, and looked ahead as we neared the clearing. Once arriving, Avery's head lifted up.

"This...isn't your house." she said.

"I know.." I said, setting her down gently back on her feet. Infront of us was a cliff edge. The sun was setting at just the right time, to where the clouds hovering over were a cotton candy pink, and the sun was a goldish-orange. Avery's eyes went wide, her mouth hanging open at the scenery that stood before us.

"This is so..." she took a few steps forward. As her toes neared the edge of the cliff, I quickly pulled her arm backwards. She stumbled into my chest, eyes still wide.

"Woah." she said, snapping back into relatity. "I didn't notice the cliff.." she looked back up at me, her face slowly getting it's color back. She laughed nervously, and I smiled at her.

"Obviously." I said, chuckling. She rolled her eyes at me, and looked back ahead. I wrapped my arms aroudn her body, pulling her closer as we stood there, watching the sun setting.

After a while, we left. We still had to get back before the sun completely set, otherwise it would be too dark to see anything, and Avery could break her ankle if she trips on another tree root.

Once we made it to my backyard, Avery sighed.

"I smell like a forest." she complained, looking down at her shirt covered in dirt from when she fell. I shrugged, and drapped my arm around her shoulders.

"I have a question though." Avery said as we walked around the house to the front yard.

"I should have the answer." I chuckled as we walked over to her yard.

"Why did you show me that? By the cliff edge?" she asked, tilting her head upwards to look at me, curiosity clear in her eyes.

My stomach did a flip, nervousness taking over. I knew exactly why I took her there, but after that walk back to the houses, I started having second thoughts about it.

"Umm." I said as Avery stood infront of me, her back leaning against her front door. "How's your ankel?" I asked in an attempt to change the subject. This isn't the right time to ask.

What if she says no?

"No.." she said, laughing. "It's fine. Answer my question though." I shrugged. 

"Do I have to have a reason for showing you the worlds prettiest sunset?" I asked. Avery nodded.

"You know." she said. "I saw it in a movie."

"Saw what?" I asked.

"When a guy takes a girl to go see a sunset..." she said. "But usually what happens afterwards is he asks her to marry him, which I'm only sixteen, no marrage for me." she looked at me, and smiled. "Whats your reason?"

I shrugged again. "You seemed I wanted to take you to see something relaxing." Avery nodded, and turned to open the front door.

I stood there a few more minutes before grabbing her arm, and pulling her into my chest.

Then I gently pressed my lips against hers...

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