Shocking Results

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Update number 2! :D


I turned my back to open the door. Obviously Justin wanted to keep secrets from me. As I put my hand on the doorknob, I felt another hand pull on my arm, pulling me back. I stumbled into Justin's chest, like before when he pulled me away from the cliff.

Then felt his warm lips pressing against mine.

My eyes widened as his closed gently, and felt his arms snake around my waist. After a few minutes, he pulled back, frowning. His arms fell from my waist, and he took a few steps backwards.

"I'm..." he wasn't able to finish. He ran off, back to his house. I came to my senses, and chased after him. No way am I gonna let him run off.

"Justin!" I yelled. He ran through his front door, and I slammed my fist against the door. "Open! Please?" The door didn't open. I continued to apply loud knocks. I put my hand on the doorknob, and it turned to the side.

I pushed the door open, and looked around in the dark living room. No sign of Justin. I went through the kitchen, looking inside the cabniets under the sink, and under the counters. After searching through the kitchen, I moved into the hall.

Still no sign of him. He wasn't in the house. I noticed the back door opened slighty. I walked over to the window, and pulled the draps to the side. Justin stood on his patio, bouncing a basketball against the cravel. There was no net, so he wasn't shooting it at anything.

He paced from one side of the patio to the other, bouncing the ball with every step. I swallowed a lump, and decided if this was time to talk, or time to be alone for a while.

I opened the back door, and Justin stopped walking. He looked over at me, and the ball bounced off.

"Avery.." he said. I walked over to him, a small smile spreading across my face. "I'm so-"

"Shhh..." I shushed him, pressing my finger to his lips. "Don't be." I said, removing my finger, and pressing my lips gently against his.

Without hesitation, he began kissing me back, and wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up alittle so I didn't have to stand on my tip-toes. I wrapped my legs around his wasit, and tangled my fingers in his hair.

He pulled back, and a wide smile spread across his face.

"You want to go out sometime?" I asked.

"That was my line." Justin said, pressing his forehead against mine. I smiled, and kissed his cheek.

"I stole it." I said. I unwrapped my legs from his waist, and he looked down at my feet.

"We need to look at that ankle." he said, taking my hand in his. I intertwined our fingers and smiled.

Once inside, we met with Justin's Mom and Grandparents, and my mom sitting in the living room. Mom gave me a wide smile, and I could already tell..

The saw the whole thing that happened just a few minute ago. Justin realized it also, and his face turned beet red. I giggled, and we went into the kitchen for the ice.

When I sat in a kitchen chair was when I realized my ankle was on fire. It throbbed as I slipped off my boot. My eyes grew wide. It was swollen to the size of a baseball.

"Woah." I said, bending down to touch it gently with my fingertips. Justin moved my hand away, and put a frozen pack of peas on it. I sighed with relief as it soothed the burning in my ankle.

"That feels good." I said, smiling at Justin. He took my hand, and placed it where his hand used to be. He then leaned up straight, and went towards the medicine cabinet. He came back with two asprins, and a water bottle.

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