14: Jet Pack Blues (Pete's POV)

Start from the beginning


I knocked lightly.

"Ashley?" I asked.

"Go away, Pete..." She whimpered.

"Ashley, open the door." I said, my throat tightening. She didn't say anything. I heard footsteps, and the door clicked.

"Come in..." She said. I immediately opened the door, only to see Ashley sitting on the edge of the tub, crying. I shut the door behind me, and sat next to her. I wrapped an arm around her, and hugged her close, as she cried into my shirt.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I asked, rubbing her back. She sniffed.

"I just can't stop seeing you with her..." She sniffed. I felt my heart drop. We pulled away, and I put both hands on Ashley's shoulders, as we looked straight at each other.

"Ashley, I promise you, she means nothing to me whatsoever. I love you, and you only, okay?" I said, looking at her in the eyes.

"Really..?" She asked, a tear going down her face, which I wiped away.

"I cross my heart." I said. She smiled, and kissed me deeply, causing me to kiss back instantly. We pulled away, and we rested our heads together.

"I love you, Pete." She smiled. I smiled back at her.

"I love you too, Ashley." I said, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

"Do you want to go back downstairs?" I asked. She took a breath, and nodded. I took her hand, and walked her downstairs, where the guys were still waiting, now with Brendon, Ryan, Spencer and Dallon.

"Hey Ashley," Brendon said. She smiled.

"Hey." She said.

"You alright?" Patrick asked, sounding concerned. She nodded, and I laced my fingers with hers, and she did the same to me. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, that Jessica was glaring at Ashley and I. I just brushed it off and ignored her.

"Hey Ashley, I'm gonna go get a drink, do you want anything?" I asked.

"Whatever is there is fine." She said. I nodded, and walked into the kitchen, and looked at what there was to drink. Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, and there stood Jessica, smirking at me. I felt frustration and anger wash over me.

"What do you want, Jessica??" I asked emotionlessly. She crossed her arms.

"What were you doing with that shank?" She laughed.

"Excuse me? She's no skank. She's my girlfriend." I said aggrevated, trying to avoid the conversation.

"Oh come on Pete. Admit it, when I kissed you, you felt something." She said. I clenched my jaw.

"No I did not." I said, growing angry. I heard footsteps.

"Hey Pete, what-" Ashley stopped once her eyes landed on Jessica.

"-the hell are you doing here?" She asked, sounding more angry. Jessica stepped towards her.

"Well, if it isn't the skank herself." Jessica smirked. I stepped in between them.

"Jessica, just leave us alone." I said boldly.

"What's the matter? Is she scared to fight her own battles? Can't you see she's nothing but pathetic?" Jessica smirked.

"Shut up, whore." Ashley said blankly. Jessica's jaw dropped.

"Nobody talks to me like that." She said, walking forward. And before I knew it, Jessica slapped Ashley in the face, making her exclaim.

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