Anniversary (Morning)

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Today is Hyungwonho 1 year anniversary. The boys wanted to celebrate, so they asked their manager for a day off.

~ flashbackitty ~

- Manager hyung, we wanted to talk to you about something.
- Yes, boys?
- Well, since you discovered our relationship recently there's no reason for lying...
- If with "discovered your relationship" you mean that I found you making out on the bathroom, so yeah, I "discovered it".
- *cough* yes, so... mmm... it's our anniversary in three months and we wanted a day off. We know that's really hard, but we can work extra hours in the three following months and..
- Ok.
- What? Really???
- I mean, you're gonna be exhausted by working so much but if you think you both can handle then it's ok.  But don't get used to it!!! I'm allowing this just because your promotions will be finished and this is just one time during the entire year.
- Thank you so much!!!

~ Back to anniversary day and to Hyungwon's P.O.V. ~

I get up early so I can make a special breakfast for my boyfriend. When I finish, everything looks beautiful and tasty. I go back to the bedroom, Hoseok isn't in bed anymore so I search in the bathroom. He's getting out of the shower and is still wet.
- Good morning, love. - He says with a huge smile and tries to hug me but I don't allow it because 1. He's completely naked and 2. He's completely wet.
- I already showered, I don't need another one.
- Well, I'll be glad to join you on your next shower, then ;)
- I'm sure you would, you pervert.
Hoseok makes a pouty face, I peck his lips and say:
- Put some clothes on, breakfast is ready.

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