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“Thanks for taking me out.” My car was parked along the curb of her house. We sat in darkness, save for the small illumination coming from the street lights bordering the road. In the faint light, my green hoodie hung loosely off of her body.  Rose gave a small smile, tucking a strand of hair behind an ear.


                Our hands were linked together, resting in the middle. Neither of us made a move to get out of the car.

                Silence swam between us a few moments. My eyes held hers tightly, daring for her to break away first.

                Thoughts teased my mind with the question I wanted to ask her.

                “Rose?” I asked softly.


                Just spit it out.

                “You… ah… You look gorgeous tonight.”

                She giggled, “Thanks, Mason.”

                I inwardly cussed at my coward change, “I’ll… I’ll see you tomorrow?”

                She leaned across the seat to press her lips softly against mine. I grinned in the kiss, tightening my grip on her hand as her lips slowly moved against mine.

                “Sounds like a plan.”
                She released our hands, climbing out of the car. I watched as she hurried into her house. As Rose opened the door, she turned around to give me a small wave.

                I chuckled, shaking my head.

                I turned the car on once her door closed.

                I was bad for her.


                “How’d your date go?” Joey asked as I came back to the apartment.

                I locked the door behind me, rubbing my eyes as I came up the stairs and into the living room, “She’s awesome.”

                She giggled.

                I opened my eyes, taking in my sister’s state. She sat in nothing but sweats, with a bowl of Chocolate ice cream between her legs. Her hair was up in a messy bun, and she wore her glasses; a rarity with her.

                “Couldn’t get enough ice cream, huh?”

                She rolled her eyes at me.

                “How was your date?” I smirked, grabbing the spoon out of her hand and stealing a bite for myself.

                Joey scowled at me, “Get your own bowl if you want some.”

                “You’re ignoring my question.” I grinned smugly as I sat on the couch adjacent to her chair. She rolled her eyes, tossing me the remote.

                “Rodger really needs to learn to hit on girls his age.”

                I shrugged, “He says he likes the challenge.”

A Tantalizing KissWhere stories live. Discover now