Chapter 30 - A Last Round Before I Leave

Start from the beginning

My purpose is not to make him stray away from his best friend - though I might have wished just that this morning when he told me that the guy had slept with him last night - but obviously, he can't reveal his lifestyle to this Shannon guy and I want him to have some friends with whom he will be able to discuss about their Submissives' issues, like they all do at the club. So who's better than another Sub to advise and help another Sub - well apart from their Dom of course...? Liam will inevitably need to release some of the pressure that I might inflict on him and rather than letting it out on his friend, I would much prefer that he does it with another Sub. We all do that. We, the Doms, talk a lot to share our experiences with our Subs, to get some advice or to provide some and to express our worries. The Subs do exactly the same when they are together and I want Liam to belong there.

I don't hold any grudge against his friend, but... well maybe a bit yes... after all he slept in my lover's bed last night... Besides, Liam chose to spend the evening with him rather than with me when I am flying out tomorrow and won't be back for a few days... Argh cut it out, Josh... You're being ridiculously jealous... Moreover, it's not as if you didn't have your dose of sex already at lunch time... How true! And that was intensely great... Note to self: sex in the office bathroom to be repeated as soon as possible...

With a sigh, I clear the table and head to my study, still brooding over my thoughts. Just as I set myself to work, my mobile phone goes off and I hurry to pick it up, hoping to hear from my sweet boy, but this is Ally's name displaying. The last time I spoke with her about less than a week ago, she was rambling on and on about how bored she was at home. She also bizarrely asked a lot of questions about Liam, how he was doing in the office, if I was treating him well enough... As if I was capable of treating him badly! Well I couldn't tell her how I do my best to take great care of him outside of office hours too, so I only told her that he has been doing great and that I have been entirely satisfied with his skills. Now I wonder why she would call me at such a late hour, but Ally's baby was due by November 2nd the latest, so maybe...?

"Hey beautiful woman! Have you finally laid?" I ask jokingly right away. However, light sobs and sniffing immediately catch my attention, removing all traces of amusement. "Ally...?"

"Hi Joshua... Sorry to disturb you so late..." she croaks over the phone.

"You're not disturbing me. Tell me what's wrong?" I ask very seriously. "Are you in pain? Isn't your husband around to drive you to the hospital? Are you about to give birth?"

"No, no... I... I gave birth this afternoon..." she squeaks, now seriously worrying me. Oh please God, don't tell me the baby was stillborn...

"Ally... what's going on? How's the baby?" I insist.

"He... there's a problem with the baby... something with his heart maybe, but they haven't been able to say for the moment..." she tries to explain through her sobs.

"What happened?"

"The... deliverance was difficult but when he was finally there, everything seemed fine... then he began to turn... slightly blue... they spoke about cyanosis... they immediately took him away and I haven't heard much from them since this evening..." she breaks down.

"I'm so sorry, Ally... Did they say when they'd be able to tell you more?" I ask warily.

"My husband's been... harassing them... but all they say is... they're trying their best to save him..."

"Shit... Ally, can I do anything to help?" I propose. "Can I visit you?"

"No, it's okay..." she suddenly pulls herself together and recovers the strong and firm voice I am used to. "I actually just wanted to let you know about the news... and we're in some kind of IC area, so you wouldn't be allowed in."

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