"Never mind," Kian decided, hoping Jc would drop the subject, which he did.

"Well I like to read and spend time with Lia on my free time," Jc declared proudly.

Kian rolled his eyes at Jc's answer.

"Of course you'd say that," Kian snorted, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Um excuse me for not wanted to accidentally contract an STD just because I was having a little bit of fun ?" Jc retorted.

"Well that's why you use protection darling," Kian said back, just as sassily.

Jc had to use his entire willpower to not fight back.

After awhile of Jc not responding, Kian figured he had won this one. His lips formed into a smug grin.

"Condoms can rip," Jc ended up saying. He never really had the skilled talent to hold back.

Kian opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps walking in their direction.

He turned around to see it was just a boy and girl, a couple around their age, he assumed.

The girl took her boyfriend's hand and scanned Kian and Jc with what looked like jealousy.

"Why don't you ever hold me like that?" She asked her boyfriend quietly.

But Kian had heard it.

The boyfriend glanced in the direction of Jc and Kian with a look of disgust.

"We're not following the example of two fags, now c'mon," he pulled her forward, attempting to walk in front of Kian and Jc.

But Kian had heard that too and similar to Jc he was not good at holding back.

Kian came to an abrupt stop, his jaw clenched. He definitely was not happy right now.

"Hold on tighter," Kian whispered to Jc quickly.

Jc didn't know what was going on, but he did as asked and hoped Kian wouldn't get them killed.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" Kian turned around completely to face the guy, who was now a little pale in the face as Jc observed.

"You heard me, fag," he let go of his girlfriends hand and balled up his own fist, ready for a fight.

Jc kind of wanted to warn this guy that he shouldn't be messing with Kian, but he also figured he better shut his mouth.

Kian gave this guy a wide grin before punching him straight across the face  that would for sure leave a visible bruise.

The girl let out a scream, running toward Kian to push him, but the guy quickly held her back. One hand holding his bloody nose and the other keeping his girl behind him.

"Jonathan you can't just let him get away with that!" The girl screamed into her boyfriends face.

Kian just stood there, awaiting this guy's response to him throwing the first punch.

Jc had never been more frightened in his life, he was literally in the war zone. He was not risking getting more injured then he already was.

"Yeah your girlfriends right, come at me man," Kian ushered him forward.

Jonathan growled and charged toward Kian, but Kian easily gave him another blow to the face, this time he had successfully knocked him down.

"You're a fucking faggot and you and your bullshit boyfriend should go kill yourselves!" He spit out, glaring at him with blood smeared across both cheeks.

I Love to Hate You (Jian AU)Where stories live. Discover now