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The flight tower gives the pilot the go-ahead to take off. Now on the plane, the teens' excitement grows. But that was short lived. In thirty minutes all of them fell asleep. They slept through the entire flight. Julie wakes up to go to the bathroom. When she gets back to her seat the copilot comes over the intercom,"we've just entered Blizzard Bay airspace." Julie starts to wake everyone up. "Jessica, Hector, Mathew, Nate, Zoey, Chelsea, Chris wake up," Julie says shaking them.

Hector opens his eyes. "You woke me because?" hector asked. "I woke you guys because we're here." Chris jumps up and bangs his head on the luggage compartments above him. "Are you sure?" Chris asks rubbing his head. Yes, look out the window. "She's right, look," says openly. The others look out the window nearest to them. The co-pilot comes over the intercom once again. "We're now beginning our decent please sit down and remain seated until the plain has come to a complete stop thank you," she said.

The girls get off the plane leaving the boys to handle the luggage. "Leave it to the girls to leave without us," Chris says with a sigh. "No kidding Hector adds. "Do they even know which hotel we're staying in?" Nate asks. "Probably not" Mathew replies. "You did book a hotel right Mat(Mathew)?" Nate asked. "Of course I did" Mat replies. "We will be staying in the Radisson Hotels in room 117 on the third floor and the girls will be in room 118 right across the hall" Mathew explains.

"Grate now all we have to do is find the girls and get to the hotel," Nate says walking in the direction he thinks they when in. "Um, Nate the girls went the other way," Hector tells him. "I knew that," Nate says looking stupid. "Sure you did" Chris teases Nate. "Are you'll coming or not" Hector yells. "Mat spotted the girls" he continues. "Julie where have you'll been?" Mat asked. Well Mat we went to the hotel but you had the hotel thingies" Julie explains. "You mean the hotel registration papers," Chris says butting in. 

"Yeah, those" Julie replies. "But I wasn't talking to you Christopher (Chris)" Julie tells him. Chris rubed his eyes. "Let's just go already," Chris says picking up the luggage. The group walks out the airport and towards the hotel. 

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