Chapter 7: The Theme Park

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"What do you mean Mat's dead" Chris asked. Nate stands in complete shock. Chelsea walks over to Zoey and sits next to her. Hector then proceeded to explain what happened. "That's enough Hector" Nate said. "We want to talk to Zoey in privet, please?" Jessica told the boys. "Okay" Hector said as the boys left the room. 

"Are you going to be okay Zoey?" Laylony asked. Zoey looked at Lalony "I don't know." she replied. "We know he was your boyfriend and our closest friend" Chelsea says holding Zoey in her arms. "You know he would want us to enjoy ourselves?" Jessica told Zoey. "Okay, your right (Jessi) Jessica" Zoey said whipping the remaining tears from her eyes.

"So how about we go to the theme park tomorrow?" Laylony asked. "Okay" Zoey replied. Meanwhile in the boy's room. "We have to find a was to cheer up Zoey" Nate explained. "I'm sure the girls already have a plan" Chris told Nate. "The girls will handle it" Hector said to Nate. Then Chris and Hector turned over and went to sleep. Chris stayed up for a little while before finally falling asleep.

The next day the group got together and in the lobby. "Ready to go?" Laylony asked. "Yes we are" Chris replied. Nate walked over to Jessi "is Zoey feeling a little better?" "Yes she is" she replied. One of the theme park workers aproched the group. "Is any of you Zoey Torres?" the worker asked. "That me" Zoey replied.

"Well Miss. Torres a young man named Matthew Parker gave me a note to read to you" the worker explained. "Now where did I put it?" the worker said as he fumbles through his pockets. "Found it" he said pulling the note out of a front vest pocket. He opened the note and began to read.

"Just in case I"m not alive to celebrate our birthday with you I just want you to know that I love you and I"'ll miss you, so happy birthday baby girl this is your day so do me a favor,have fun today okay" the worker stopped reading.

The worker refollded the note and handed it to Zoey. She put the note in her phone case. The worker walked away shortly after giving the note to Zoey. "So Zoey what do want to ride first?" Chris asked. "Let's start from the smallest rides and work our way up" she replied.

So that's exactly what they did. They moved from ride to ride. They rode some rides more the once. Laylony looked watch Zoey get on a ride "you see that Mat Zoey's having fun, just like you told her to do" she said with a smile. "Laylony are you coming?" Zoey asked.

"Yes, I'm coming" Laylony replied. Hector and Nate had to drag Chris on some rides. Some rides the boys had to be staged on. They skipped the tunnel of love ride. They stuck to the roller coasters. "Alright there's ten more roller coasters left" Nate explained. They eventually got to the last roller coaster. This time the boys had to drag the girls on it.

Once everyone was all strapped in the ride startted. The reason why they chose this ride last was because it circled the entire theme park three times. When they got off the ride Chris suggested that they change into their bathing suits and go on all the water rides next.

"Okay" Zoey said with a smile. So they went back to the hotel to change into their bathing suits. "I'm glad Zoey's having fun" Hector said throwing a towel over his shoulder. "Yeah, I just wish Mat could be here" Nate said grabbing a towel out of his suitcase. "We all do" Chirs says as he opened the room door. "Ready?" Laylony asked.

"Yeah, let's go" Hector replied. Laylony jumped on Hector's back onward." "Alright, see y'all at the end of the hall" Hector told the others. "Hold on Laylony" he told her. "Okay" she replied. Then Hector started running down the hall. Hector stopped at the elivator. Laylony got off Hector's back "hurry up slow pokes" she yelled. 

Once everyone was at the elevator they got in. While they were in the elevator a plan was made. The elevator doors opened. "Let's go" Jessi said as she exits the elevator. They leave the hotel and head towards the theme park again. They got on the smallest water rides and worked their way up.

After they were done they went back to the hotel. "Did you have fun Zoey?" Chelsea asked. "Yes I did" she said with a smile. When they got back to their rooms the Chelsea invited the boys over to watch a movie with them.

The boys accepted her offer. The boys dried off, changed and went over to the girls room. The group watched five movies together. Meanwhile someone managed to get into the Hector, Chris, and Nate's room. The only the the person took was Mat's stuff.

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